post your chicken coop pictures here!


Just a few finishing touches needed. Had to get the birds from the neighbor by this last weekend so not quite ready .Not bad for a total of $600.00 and built from scratch with no experience in building

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This is my first coop at the inlaws built from some reclaimed tongue and groove.
Nice size!
BTW what does tongue and groove mean? I could probably Search on the internet or wait 1/2 an hour for a warehouse guy to flag down but since you used the term I'll ask you directly LOL
Just a few finishing touches needed. Had to get the birds from the neighbor by this last weekend so not quite ready .Not bad for a total of $600.00 and built from scratch with no experience in building

That's a nifty ramp/pop-door all-in-one idea. Where'd you get the inspiration to do it that way?
Nice size!
BTW what does tongue and groove mean? I could probably Search on the internet or wait 1/2 an hour for a warehouse guy to flag down but since you used the term I'll ask you directly LOL
It is a kind of wood board that fits together. The "tongue" is on one side and the "grove" on the other so the fit together seamlessly.
The drop down ramp / trap door just seemed a better and more secure type door. Sometimes just looking at other pictures of coops can make you think of easier and better ways to do some things. The mind is a wonderful thing...
Nice coop, nice pen. Hope you plan to let 8 hens free-range as they will get bored when full-grown.

Well I got them full grown and have been getting 5-7 eggs daily (5 days) but will only let them out an hour before sunset. Houston city does not allow free range (no roosters also). Next week will be interesting as I hope they remember where home is.

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