post your chicken coop pictures here!

Not yet...that's why I don't let them out but for a break. I'm going to rip some 1x10' that were salvaged and use them between the posts to attach the layers of wire to. I've been working on this for months as the chicks were growing...
..I was determined to at least allow them some natural sunshine even though it was hot. Haven't been able physically to do but a little each day and then somewhere in the middle ...was diagnosed with Rocky mountain spotted fever.!! yuk.
I have been working with absolutely no building experience!!! LOL bet I've built this thing at least 2x while learning how not to do things.
I'm a firm believer in Ft. there will be a lot of security issues addressed before I trust it.
I like the idea of cranberries...Haven't tried those as a treat. They like crack corn but I don't like to give them too much of that..,as for the k9 variety...LOL...I have a 8lb poodle...reckon he would get killed...LOLOL
Article on insulating livestock buildings, Mostly for cattle, swine and sheep but if you want to know why and how much, this gives reasons and formulas.
The moisture-holding capacity of air doubles with each 20F rise in temperature. This principle explains why walls and ceilings become wet and drip.

Livestock add heat and moisture vapor to the surrounding air. So when warm, moisture-laden air in the animal environment contacts a cool surface, such as a poorly-insulated wall or ceiling, cold window or foundation, the air cools and can no longer hold as much water vapor. This causes condensation or `sweating.' If the surface is cold enough, this condensate freezes. Insulation prevents condensation by keeping the inside surfaces warm--i.e., above the `dew point' (saturation temperature of the air).

And a paper on natural ventilation Hmmmm, the sliding barn doors that you can open for summer and close for winter sound do-able. You could quickly change the flow rate for sudden wind or temperature changes. Easier on the body than putting panels off and on but more expensive. Though could be opened/closed by one person, child or with physical limitations.
Gradually getting it done! Did use zip ties and lack 2 places up top to finish and close. As for the some wire and will "sew" it all together! Leaving the girls out all day now. They go to roost real well...then I close them up tight. This for info
I'm getting jelous.... All of these amazing coops, not to mention people not procrastinating in the building of them, makes me want to cry!!!!!
Lost track of how long I've been working on mine! LOL I know I got my EE chicks the first of March.. Was waiting on a really sweet guy to build it with recycled lumber....hey it was free! .
. But alas, "I" started working on it where he left off.
I was sitting outside just now lacing my wire fencing. Work in progress and learning curve for sure.. Don't laugh, this whole thing ha been a learning curve!! But my ladies and gents stood on the other side of the wire and pecked at my red finger nail polish and they love being outside in the run...a new thing this week. They have been so patient!!
:lau Lost track of how long I've been working on mine! LOL I know I got my EE chicks the first of March.. Was waiting on a really sweet guy to build it with recycled lumber....hey it was free! .:p . But alas, "I" started working on it where he left off.:he I was sitting outside just now lacing my wire fencing. Work in progress and learning curve for sure.. Don't laugh, this whole thing ha been a learning curve!! But my ladies and gents stood on the other side of the wire and pecked at my red finger nail polish and they love being outside in the run...a new thing this week. They have been so patient!! :love
It could be worse... My husband used 3' tall fencing to build the run yard and this is what I found yesterday...
I just wish my husband would jump in the wagon sitting near the 'learning curve' :lau

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