post your chicken coop pictures here!

I'm retired so I have a lot of spare time fir projects
I prefer working with pine.
Where can I find one of these locks?
ok ok... He claims he can't start today due to the ?weather? I see no rain right now....
Don't know how long you have been married and I didn't push my dh to help me with my coop.....although he was well aware I needed his help. (I asked many times at first).,,That just pisses me off more! LOL
And the more I get ****** off, the worse the atmosphere gets around here. (married 45 yrs)LOL,
He found out that my coop would get built with or without him. (he just really is a type A personality and NOT a chicken man) I am the artsy fartsy head strong Z personality woman who will do it in spite of him! I figured if I died working out in the hot sun trying to get it done...he would be the one explaining to my grands who themselves had come up to help me! LOL
I still have some to do to completely secure the run....BUT.... it will be done before too much longer. got to lace the wire levels together and close the top netting to the fencing. The coop is a safe haven...7x8' with 3 boxes, armstrong linoleum flooring, 3"sand, hanging waterer/feeder.. had 3 roosts at one time when they were younger but now just rearranged it to one long one...cut the tree down for that too! LOL
And then, I will be able to say many times before I die..... Yes, and I did it without you!!!! LOLOL
I put my picts on FB sometimes so a lot of "our" friends are always asking him how the coop is doing or "how's Judy's chickens doing?" They all know he doesn't like chickens! LOL So he catches it from a lot more than just me. He could have had it built a whole hell of a lot cheaper if he had helped me!!
:old [COLOR=800080]Don't know how long you have been married and I didn't push my dh to help me with my coop.....although he was well aware I needed his help. (I asked many times at first).,,That just pisses me off more!  LOL[/COLOR] :rant [COLOR=800080] And the more I get ****** off, the worse the atmosphere gets around here. (married 45 yrs)LOL,[/COLOR] :lau [COLOR=800080] He found out that my coop would get built with or without him. (he just really is a type A personality and NOT a chicken man) I am the artsy fartsy head strong Z personality woman who will do it in spite of him!  I figured if I died working out in the hot sun trying to get it done...he would be the one explaining to my grands who themselves had come up to help me! LOL[/COLOR]:mad: [COLOR=800080]I still have some to do to completely secure the run....BUT.... it will be done before too much longer. got to lace the wire levels together and close the top netting to the fencing. The coop is a safe haven...7x8' with 3 boxes, armstrong linoleum flooring, 3"sand, hanging waterer/feeder.. had 3 roosts at one time when they were younger but now just rearranged it to one long one...cut the tree down for that too! LOL[/COLOR]:duc   [COLOR=FF0000]And then, I will be able to say many times before I die..... Yes, and I did it without you!!!!  LOLOL[/COLOR] :clap [COLOR=DAA520] I put my picts on FB sometimes so a lot of "our" friends are always asking him how the coop is doing or "how's Judy's chickens doing?"  They all know he doesn't like chickens!  LOL[/COLOR] [COLOR=006400] So he catches it from a lot more than just me.  He could have had it built a whole hell of a lot cheaper if he had helped me!![/COLOR]:lau

Thanks for the smile... :thumbsup he saw something on that tv show 'Mountain Men' that he claims is EXACTLY what he has in mind... I told him... 'Nice. Now go make it a reality.' He looked at me like I was nuts... :smack
Today I also had to chase my birds several times... My dog has figured out how to open their pin and let's them out... She just wants to play lol... :gig
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Where can I find one of these locks?
ok ok... He claims he can't start today due to the ?weather? I see no rain right now....

And I'm sure you could look somewhere like a office max or even a home depot and you could find something that would work.
Thanks for the smile...
he saw something on that tv show 'Mountain Men' that he claims is EXACTLY what he has in mind... I told him... 'Nice. Now go make it a reality.' He looked at me like I was nuts...

Today I also had to chase my birds several times... My dog has figured out how to open their pin and let's them out... She just wants to play lol...
Does he know that if he really wants to be like the guys on Mountain Men, he needs to get off his lazy arse and get about doing stuff. They live off the land and they gotta get it done before winter. And they have a list of stuff they gotta get done before Winter comes. They ain't dinking around playing X-box and watching TV.

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