post your chicken coop pictures here!

Finally done!





Here is my new coop. I have another that is only 4x8 this one is 8x10. Just went up and I am starting to make the transfer of tween chicks to it. I need to add roosting poles :)

Here is my design and coop. Not painted yet but finished. The run will be around it at 3ftx10ft for 4 hens that will also have access to the large yard. Hope you all like. Came up with the design and doors, etc. myself.

Gorgeous home and I love chickeneers who plan to give their foraging, mobile chickens lots of creative space! Good planning. Can't wait to see the progress.

I noticed a loose lock bar over the chicken door and that the roof lifts for cleaning. Hope you plan to have secure locking devices as Raccoons, etc, are nasty predators even in city neighborhoods.

We've been shopping online for an Amish type or Dutch type larger house for our next coop when we double the flock w/bantams. Or have a walk-in type tall pen with a smaller coop inside it. Choices, choices, choices!
Sylvester 017,
Thank you for all that information!! I gave it all to my husband and his wheels are turning as I write this. Basically what I'm thinking is that we need to have an enclosed outdoor area that's wired in BUT it ALSO needs to have an enclosed area with some type of roof for their protection at least over half or a good part of the fenced or wired in area??!! I think that would work very well and YES you are correct..watching from inside isn't going to get me to them fast enough to protect against a hawk or that type predator so it much have an area they can get under for protection. What WONDERFUL ideas you've given us!! Oh and btw I was able to post that video!! Thanks again!!

I'm not tech savvy - where is it posted so my DH can bring it up for me!
I sure like the looks of this so far.....keep sending pictures...we thrive on pictures!!! LOLOL We all get ideas from each other. I'm sitting on go....waiting on them to get mine are my almost 5 week old little EE !!! I want them out of my house! Right now I have them in a dog "yard" with plywood over the top of them during the days that are decent..otherwise they are in my back bedroom! Ready for them to be out!!!!

You are going to LOVE your EEs. I have an APA Ameraucana (related to EEs) and she is an egg-laying machine. She's the kookiest, spookiest, most loveable girl in my flock. Not interested in politics, always busy, loves to vocalize with you, and easy to handle or pet. says they always keep some Ameraucanas because they accept injured or orphaned chicks willingly into their flock. A very sweet natured chicken compared to other LF breeds.
Finally done!

This is so beautiful! We never painted our coop as it doesn't have that much wood but mostly open wire - we have hot weather in So CA so ventilation was key for us. Also we had a ramp that was narrow that came with the coop about 5-inches and the chickens liked it but it wasn't wide enough. Chickens like secure footing so we had to build a wider one for our girls. Yours looks a wee bit narrow but looks like you have space to make the ramp wider. It may be okay so watch how your girls like the feel of it when they use it. Just like space is key for chickens, wider ramps make them feel secure. I love the look of a new coop with all the fresh wood and clean litter - sigh.
Here is my new coop. I have another that is only 4x8 this one is 8x10. Just went up and I am starting to make the transfer of tween chicks to it. I need to add roosting poles :)

Wow! You spent the bucks for your chicks! We looked at these wonderful sheds. The price wasn't what kept us away. It's with our hot So CA weather we couldn't figure out a way to have more ventilation. We looked at ways to make the doors cut out at the bottom with hardwire etc but at the cost of the shed we still would have to spend more to modify it for our hot climate. We even tried to figure ways of having more open air at floor level for the chickens but then it would affect the stability of the walls. If we lived in a cold part of the country I think this would be a wonderful model. Great to see someone using this shed as we couldn't!
It's under the forum:

Pictures & Stories of my chickens
then under:
My Pet Chickens

Hope you like it!! Thanks!!

I just saw it! I enjoy pampered chickens. They become a part of the family so quickly.

I can't help it but I'm in love with Olivia! Those 2 girls should keep you in eggs for quite some time. Most chickens lay 20% less eggs each year but the Ameraucanas (also EEs) don't drop that significantly their 2nd year like other breeds. Sandhill Preservation put out that info a couple years ago and I believe it after having our dynamo layer. BRs and EEs are not broody setters so that's why their production is so good.

Both your girls have small combs so during heatwaves put Pedialyte or Gatorade mixed into their drinking water for electrolytes to keep hydrated well. We've had 90's here and our poor Ameraucana doesn't take heat well doing a lot of panting and water drinking so we've had the Orbit Mister going in the backyard and making sure to put Gatorade in the water bowls. We thought bringing her in the house would be nice but she didn't stop panting no matter what. It's all that fluffy muff on her face - too hot.

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