post your chicken coop pictures here!

Heres the latest on mine. I got it dried in with the water/ice sealer membrane today. I still have to build the rear doors for the coop, nest boxes, and the sreen door for the run. Only a couple weeks left until our peeps are ready to move in...
I love the color choices for blending with the natural setting. Nice roomy coop but if you know me by now, I always like to see a lot more scratching and foraging room with 8 chickens. They are such mobile scratching creatures and will totally devastate a small ground space bare - then start picking on each other. That's chickens for you. I love seeing people getting the chicken bug! Welcome to chickeneering!
I completely agree with you!..which is why I plan on free ranging them most of the time. I haven't even bought the materials yet but I'm putting a 2000 sq tf fence around the coop and when I have time to keep an eye on them I'll let them out of the fence to roam my backyard. The run is just for the days when I'm not home to let them out and they can do as they please in the coop and run because they are going to be connected and I plan on keeping the coop door open most of the time, even nights
Heres the latest on mine. I got it dried in with the water/ice sealer membrane today. I still have to build the rear doors for the coop, nest boxes, and the sreen door for the run. Only a couple weeks left until our peeps are ready to move in...

This is a very workable design and popular.
Being in So CA having a lot of screen hardwire walls is important for our hot climate. Our little coop is not nearly as nice as the Wichita design but it has 3 walls of wire and only the nestboxes are enclosed. We have to tarp every night because the eves can get down to 40s sometimes.
I like your large overhang roof - very much a necessary feature on rainy days! I like the green color you started with.
Thanks! Im just glad I had lots of help on it from my contractor neighbor who also has 9 hens with a large coop.
I will try and get a few more pics of the coop and nesting quarters asap. Also yes the run is on the small side but they do have the option to go under for dry as well which is wired in.
As for free ranging the yard it may be possible in spring and fall times due to our busy veggie garden during summertime.Its funny you ask about venting i was out doing some finishing touches on it and decided to add 3 1-1/4" holes above nest boxes for extra flow.
I think overall it turned out nicer then what we expected on from what we planned,and added the blue wood rot resistant for the base.
Now all we need is our gals in their to test.
Yes, more photos. The wood quality is so very nice and nice of your neighbor to lend his help!
I completely agree with you!..which is why I plan on free ranging them most of the time. I haven't even bought the materials yet but I'm putting a 2000 sq tf fence around the coop and when I have time to keep an eye on them I'll let them out of the fence to roam my backyard. The run is just for the days when I'm not home to let them out and they can do as they please in the coop and run because they are going to be connected and I plan on keeping the coop door open most of the time, even nights

Cool that they'll have that space! Chickens are such mobile foraging creatures and easily entertain themselves on the move.

We live in the city and though we don't have wild predators like coyotes, foxes, bears, or wildcats, we do have nasty Raccoons and Opossums that can get in the darnedest places and night-roaming stray cats so we close both the coop and the run doors. Chickens at roost are lethargic and aren't quick enough to realize if a predator is nearby. My worst horror are the Raccoons who kill more for the joy of the kill than for actual food. They get huge around here and I've seen them come out of the city storm drains at night. They will tear chicken's feet off right through poultry wire. Nasty critters. We double lock every door, nestbox, and run as soon as the chickens are roosting.
Framework has started for the chicks' coop. The nesting area was added after this picture was taken.

I plan on adding the hardware cloth, roost, side paneling, and roof this upcoming weekend.

Since the girls will free-range when I'm home under the watchful eye of "their dogs", this is going to be an open air coop.

The hens will have the other coop and we'll combine everyone in a few months when we build the permanent coop. This will give the chicks a chance to grow up, but still be outside safely. It'll also give all 6 a chance to interact with plenty of escape room during free-range time. The dimensions for this coop is 5' x 5'. Nesting area is 14" off the ground.

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My husband works commercial construction so we built (I should say he, as Tom did most of it) our coop out of scraps he brought home. The bottom of the coop is a 3'0 insolated exterior door we had scrap 2x4 and 1/2 inch plywood leftover metal roofing and hardboard insolation. we only had to purchase the paint 1/2 the hardware the chicks and the feeders and a waterer and on waterer was given to us. Then we have it in a 12 foot by 6 foot dog kennel we picked up for 50$ from one of the owners of a pole barn my husband was building. He buried bricks around the outside of the kennel because of skunks and coons had a neighbor just loose 2 chickens to skunks, and my husband put chicken wire across top of dog kennel for safety even sewed it together with bailing wire.

My husband works commercial construction so we built (I should say he, as Tom did most of it) our coop out of scraps he brought home. The bottom of the coop is a 3'0 insolated exterior door we had scrap 2x4 and 1/2 inch plywood leftover metal roofing and hardboard insolation. we only had to purchase the paint 1/2 the hardware the chicks and the feeders and a waterer and on waterer was given to us. Then we have it in a 12 foot by 6 foot dog kennel we picked up for 50$ from one of the owners of a pole barn my husband was building. He buried bricks around the outside of the kennel because of skunks and coons had a neighbor just loose 2 chickens to skunks, and my husband put chicken wire across top of dog kennel for safety even sewed it together with bailing wire.

Hey, Klamath Falls!! La Pine here!! Looks great so far...nice job!

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