post your chicken coop pictures here!

I built a rain shelter recently for my chickens' "day pen" area. We dedicated a side of the yard to them so they have somewhere to forage and dust bath during the daytime hours when we are home. I set it up so we can see them roosting out of one of our living room windows. The chickens seem to enjoy peeking in and watching us just as much :)Side Pen by (cobrabyte), on Flickr

Side Pen by (cobrabyte), on Flickr
Now that is chicken lovin' at it's best...
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God dam some of these Coops are not just chicken coops they are mansions. Two story with from doors and well just to far out!

We just got a flat-pack online and put it together.

For a pre-fab this is one of the nicer models but as with all pre-fab they usually need to be in an enclosed pen, require a sealer coat, fortified with a paver stone walkway around it's base, and probably covered with tarp to protect from sun rays or rain moisture. We have our little 4x6 under a canopy and tarp the coop to protect from climate damage, plus have a paver walkway/patio around the base (keeps out digging predators). Yours is really one of the nicer pre-fabs but will need just a bit more security work. Someone who assembled this from Amazon said they had to use extra bracing to feel comfortable that the walls would hold more securely.

I love seeing free-ranging chickens - they are at their best in a yard. Ours free-range and we have a pop-up canopy with legs buried about a foot into the soil so it doesn't para-sail away, an Orbit Mister under the canopy for heatwaves, several low lean-to's and a doghouse with some scattered foliage for the chickens to hide/snooze/dive under from aerial predators. Hawks won't swoop after hiding chickens and once saw all 4 of our hens dive into the big doghouse when the cackle alarm sounded.
Glad to have you Chuck. A nice neat coop that you will outgrow fast because of chicken math.

Stupid chicken math. I ordered that same coop, and now we made it 2 times, and some, as big inside (added a room on the back) , and also enclosed it in a 9 x 14 run, skirted the house after screwing it to a 2x4 frame, and will be skirting the run as well. I have a bucket of sealer ready to go on it when we get the roof done. Chicken math will get you every time. Oh and according to the site we got it from it holds 4 chickens
no way it holds 4, plus we have 6, and heavy breeds. lol.

Oh and hi Chuck, welcome to BYC

I went with the airy feel of a giant bird cage. Next phase will be installing a roof. The open wall in the back will be where the hen boxes will be mounted. Picked up some cedar wedge type planks for the lid.
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