Post Your Chicken's Names Here!!!

Kohaha-My OEGB Chick. Kohana means Little Flower
Nohea-My White Leghorn cockerel. Nohea means Handsome
Pip-Button Quail chick
Mindy and Mandy-The twin RIR hens
Laffy and Taffy-the twin California White hens
Speckle and Freckle-more "twins" RSL hens
Eclipse-Black Australorp hen
Maple-Buff Brahma hen
Boo-Cuckoo Maran roo. His name is Boo since he is afraid of EVERYTHING!
I have 8 chickens but only have allowed myself to consider 2 chickens as my pets. One of the Rhode Island Red I named "Darla" and a Americana chicken named "Sweetie Pie".
Mine are named:

Happy Feet
My barred rock chicks are named Rebecca, Lizzie, Lily, and Little Emma turned out to be a boy so his name is Little Elmo
4 pullets: Thai, blue, barley, and oats. Thai is a light Brahma, Blue is an Easter Egger, Barley is a black Austrolorp, and Oats is a buff Orpington.
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I have polish named Chloe and my silkies names are Piper,Layla,Sophie,Alice and rooster named Laiken . My old English are named Sally ,Adalee,Andy and Jase . I love all my babies !'!!!
Kohaha-My OEGB Chick. Kohana means Little Flower
Nohea-My White Leghorn cockerel. Nohea means Handsome
Pip-Button Quail chick
Mindy and Mandy-The twin RIR hens
Laffy and Taffy-the twin California White hens
Speckle and Freckle-more "twins" RSL hens
Eclipse-Black Australorp hen
Maple-Buff Brahma hen
Boo-Cuckoo Maran roo. His name is Boo since he is afraid of EVERYTHING!
I like boo and Laffy and taffy. Too cute!

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