Post your Duck names!

Penkins - Daisy, Bowser and Sassy. Cayuga - Max (short for Maxwell House), Crested Swedish - Puff, I know so creative
, Rouen - Billie and a black and white questionable breed named Spot!
Jasper, Jemima, and Juniper are my pekin ducks. My other duck is Matilda, still no idea what breed she is though.
White Calls- 5 hens
The hens--- Hippy, Poppy, Lily, Iris, Miss Bill

Gray Calls- 2 drakes, 5 hens.
The drakes--- Captain Quack, Bullwinkle
The hens--- Red, Bell, Gwen, Athena, Adrophite
Another Bullwinkle duck? LOL
I would've never guessed anyone besides me would name a duck that, haha. No Rocky though? Or Boris and Natasha?
I have 2 Khaki Campbells, 14 weeks old now. The male is Lucky as in "Lucky Duck" and the female is Jemima. They were straight run from Agway so took a guess and named them and turns out I guessed correctly on male/female!

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