Post your Duck names!

Does anyone have a name that sounds good with Oakley? I don't know the gender of the two ducklings.

How 'bout Annie if it's a girl, and Ray (short for Ray-ban) if it's a guy? ...Get it?
Mocha- chocolate runner hen
Latte- blue runner hen
Cocoa Puff- crested Khaki (R.I.P.)
2 Rouen drakes- unamed
2 Rouen hens- unamed

We had a Spanish Black tom turkey named Pilgrim. R.I.P. He was stolen by a two legged predator.

They all come to "Quackers" when we call them, but "The Peanut Gallery" is their official name because the pen is right off the end of our deck and they "laugh" with/at us when we are sitting there talking and joking. I was thinking about Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Mo for the Rouens but it never stuck.
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Well, I named my Buff Duck "Kyrie" after a song by Mr. Mister in the 80's, my two Khaki girls are Kira and Amira, my twin mallard girls are Scream and Struggle, because that's pretty much what they did as ducklings, and the Mallard drake is Marshall. I LOVE coming up with names for poultry!
My black muscovy drake is named mud my grey and white muscovy hen is named cheerio my white muscovy drake named speedy and my Rouen hen is named sprinkles
Three Rouen drakes are Moe, Larry, & Curly. Our Toulouse (Gander I think) is named Groucho because he is always complaining. He's probably lonely for a mate. He seems to think the three stooges are his babies and looks after the boys. I have had them since January and thought my three Rouen hens I raised from babies would enjoy their company, but not so much. I should have just gotten one drake. I now keep them separate at night and only let them out together on some days. I haven't named the girls because I can't tell them apart. They are just my sweet ladies that give me three eggs every morning.

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