Post your Duck names!

Someone had posted a topic in the chicken section of BYC ab out their unique chicken names...  it inspired me to start that topic here...  So go ahead and post your duck's names!

I'll start,  My brown runner MingMei (pronounced: meeng- may)  was named by my chinese roomate.  Her name means smart and beautiful in chinese.

My other duck is named Victor...  Which isn't all that weird of a name, but the funny story is in why we named him that.  My duck is named after a chinese gangster.  When we first got him he was very, well aggressive/fiesty maybe?  he constantly tried jumped out of his brooder, he bit ming mei who was bigger and older on her butt constantly.  He ate voraciously, and used to have this problem with biting the lip of any person he could get close enough to.  My finace said he was a tough guy like this chinese gangster he used to know named victor back in high school. lol.  The name stuck... (Go figure he's a biggest baby now, he's super snuggly, doesn't nip anymore, and he runs form his own shadow).

So what about you guys?  Why did you name your duck what you did?
Tupsy is my perfect little house duckling and I love him/her.
This is Mr. Duddles aka Mr. Roen

He is in the process of changing colors :) He was attacked by a hawk about a month ago, and after some tlc he is all better. He is very sweet :)
I have 4 Indian Runner hens called: Buggy, Squidgy, Gigantica and Scrawny! And I also have an Indian Runner drake called Captain Quack Sparrow!! :')

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