Post your Duck names!

I have 7 runners...Fudge, Corriander, Daisy, Heathcliff, Brownie, Lily, Petunia and one mallard..Birdie. With one lonely snowy call that i haven't named yet.
I know this thread is from a few years back, but I just saw it. When I was a kid, and would rescue hurt ducks or runts I had Muffy, Nosey, and Bluebell. Then after I moved north as a teenager I had Nibbles. Last year I rescued a baby duckling (probably mallard) I named Peepers, but he didn't survive. But, that got me back on my duck kick, and of course chickens were added to that kick. In ducks I started with four pekins and four rouens. The Pekins are Chelsea, Miss Piggy, Tiva (greek for goose) and Haas. The Rouens are Sir Drake, Pico de Gallo, Ente (German for duck), and Daffy. I then got another Rouen named Ducky. Haas, and the first four rouens had to find another home (they now have a huge pond at their new home where I visit them frequently). Three boys on one girl was just a bit much (especially in the pool...I was afraid they'd drown one of the girls). Ducky is going to be joining them at the end of this month because he thinks he's a chicken and tries to mate with the hens (he came with an order of chicks and was raised with them). I have to keep him separate, and he's going to hurt himself trying to get through the fence to the hens.

Now, here's where I could use some naming help. I want one male mallard looking duck SO I have three girls and one drake coming at the end of the month. The girls are going to be a Cayuga, Buff, and a Black Swedish and of course the drake is a Rouen. Hopefully I won't have any issues with this boy since he will be raised with ducks, and it will be one boy to six girls. I'm thinking of naming the Buff Peanut. I saw that name and thought it would be cute for her. All my ducks have seemed to have the same personality so waiting to name them has never helped me. I'm hoping to spend alot more one on one with this crew and have them more people oriented.
Haven't figured out their names yet, but their group name is Team Aflack. Named by a fellow employee.

I have 4 white crested pekins

Olivia (lost her mate Oliver)
Dips (lost his mate Chips)
Pope (injured and is now holy
Bean (because he makes Mr. Bean faces all the time)
Bejing (these 3 were named by my daughter)
lol i have
2 cayuga ducks named honey and trouble becuase the first day trouble jumped and ate the eggs i was eating he thought they were very yummy too lol and honey is as sweet as honey can be!
and (still missing
) simon or may i say simoan becuse she quacked alot lol she was my baby.. she was a mallard i found at a lake with 8 others while their mother was nowhere to be found.. except hawks around in the sky. i took her becuase she was the last hatching she was tumblimb down a hill still wet trying to get in the water with her brothers and sisters awaiting for her in the water. my friend took two but we could not take the rest. sadly....
the next morning while i was walking to school i found shreds of ducklings every were and a dieing baby..... it broke my heart to see that....
but soon simoan turned a month old and was very skitish of me becuase she lived with my ducks and not with me.. i miss her still but life hits ya hard sometimes.. i tried to get her in the coop while i fought with my parents about her and i could not get her in and she ran from me while i tried to catch her.. but it got late and i cried alot when she did not return and when it was ducsk..... i heard her high pitch quack and it killed me becuase i knew a fox got her... but my friend lives on a lake and she says she thinks she saw simoan with her ducks but i think she says that to cheer me up. but i miss simoan so much and i hope one day for her to just come flying down from the sky and stay with us some more so i could see her one last.. time..
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i have 5 runners called, babs, mac and bunty (of the chicken run haha) and then my two little babies fluffy and tufty

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