~~~~~Post Your EE, Ameraucana, and Araucauna Pics HERE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Olive my EE is 13 weeks old today!




Here my rumpless chicken. He/She is 3 months old. Came out of an olive egg. Has beautiful feathers. I have a couple more and will take some pictures later this week. The other two came out of blue eggs. One chick is gray and one is white speckled. I can tell you the red stars do not like the chicks. What to do...what to do....
/Users/marikaguthrie/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Modified/2007/Jan 28, 2007/DSCF2423.JPG

My girls when they were still in the house! Thank goodness that's over!

/Users/marikaguthrie/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2007/Jan 30, 2007/DSCF2465.JPG

This is Tigerlily head on! She is such a little fire plug!
These are a couple of my EE chicks at 6 weeks (sold as araucanas)

I'm rooting for this to be a boy.

This one I call OJ. She looks like she dipped her head in orage juice. Her back end is light blue-grey.

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