Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Yes, I have golf balls in 2 of the 3 boxes. I haven't put a roof over the boxes yet though and they do get some droppings in them. I think that is the problem, as well as having shredded paper in them. I know they are not too high since I watched a bunch of them easily hop up on the edge of the box. The top of the front is only about 16" from the shavings (at the most, I haven't measured it really LOL)

Granted, golf balls do work, but I prefer to use the wooden eggs you can buy in craft stores. They cost about the same (or cheaper, depending on the golf ball). I know the chickens don't care but I pretend they like 'em better too.
I don't know which of my ladies layed this one, I watched them all morning and the top hen (black sex link) and her right hand (buff) were both in the nest box at the same time. Though the sex link was making her goose "spawwwk." but I am SOOO Happy!!!
Our very first egg!!!!

I am threatening the others with the stew pot if they don't follow suit!!!!
They're about 23wks. Such a long wait, but well worth it!!!!!!!
It's a small one- but a beauty!
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I don't know which of my ladies layed this one, I watched them all morning and the top hen (black sex link) and her right hand (buff) were both in the nest box at the same time. Though the sex link was making her goose "spawwwk." but I am SOOO Happy!!!
Our very first egg!!!!

I am threatening the others with the stew pot if they don't follow suit!!!!
They're about 23wks. Such a long wait, but well worth it!!!!!!!
It's a small one- but a beauty!

Congrats! What a beauty! I hope the others are ready to lay soon!
FINALLY got the first egg @ 21 weeks, After the heat wave here in Missouri finally let up! Not sure who did it, but I was so excited to find it!

Compared with regular Large egg from the store.
Lucky you.
I'm still waiting for my red faced girls to lay.

And Hallelujah the temps the past couple of days have been below 80 degrees (although I've got some chicks I'd like to let outside during the day to allow some of the stink to dissipate LOL)

Today is the fourth day for some of our hens to be laying. The first two days we had 1 egg each day. Yesterday we had 3 eggs, and today we have 4. My wife was very excited when she found 4 eggs this afternoon.

Our eggshells are thicker than the shells of eggs bought in the store. We give our chickens layer crumbles and cracked corn, plus they run loose in the back yard during the day.

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Bonnie is the winner! She layed the first egg. Bonnie is a barred rock, 21 weeks old. She was the first to get her red comb so I knew she would lay first. I noticed that someone was spending time in the nesting box a few weeks ago and today when my husband went to check on them she was sitting in there. When I got home from work there it was! I fried it up next to an egglands best egg, and boy was I surprised at the color difference. Way to go Bonnie :)
What a nice dark egg! Is that from a Marans?

i have no idea what kind of chickens they are, ones a dark back with metallic looking green blue in it feathers and the other is orange.

heres more pics of all our eggs except the first soft one that was thrown out, and the white ones from the grocery store

and two from today before i put them in the fridge.

the picture makes it look darker i think.


Hello! We are first time chicken owners this year, and this week we are celebrating our first egg. How cool!! Very unexpected though, our oldest birds are 17 weeks this week, and the younger birds are 16 weeks. We bought three ISA browns from the local farm store not really understanding what they are. Then the following week when the supply was better we bought 2 Leghorns, 2 Black Jerseys, 2 EE, and 2 Wyandottes. Seems kind of early to be getting eggs already, but we've gotten an egg each day for the last three days. Small eggs, but perfectly formed, with nice solid shells. I've been told we can expect nearly an egg a day from the ISA's, but I think these eggs are from two birds. First one was right in front of the coop door, the second was in the nesting box and today the third was again on the floor.
So about the early eggs, 17 weeks is earlier than any estimate I have read when to expect eggs from your young birds. Although I did read that ISA's could begin anywhere from 18 to 20 weeks. So 17 weeks to get the first egg seemed early, but they're perfect little eggs. I think I may be cracking them and tasting them this weekend.
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