Post your ''Other'' Uses for feed bags


I use old feed bags to cover old boxes to use for storage. It
protects the box and looks really cute on the shelf. Really
easy to just throw various things in and grab things out
of, especially when you've got gloves on. This pic is of the very
first one I did so it's a little messy, but I love it.

This one is made from the very first bag of dairy feed we got
when we picked up our first dairy calves. My husband LOVES
his cows (he'd been wanting them since he was 5), so he had
been holding on to this "special" bag for a long time. He didn't
tell me he was saving it, but after about 6 months I kind of
figured it out.
The inside of the box is lined with the white
inside of the bag, and the brown around the top is from the little
closure thing at the top of the bag that you have to pull
the string out of to open it. I really wanted to sew the string that I
removed from the bottom of the bag around the top of the box, but
I thought that might compromise the integrity of the cardboard at
the top, so I didn't (I still have it though in case I change my mind).

Sorry about the poor quality of the pics, I just snapped them on
the spur of the moment when I was making them just to have some
before and after pics for myself.
this is a cool idea
OK, just tried this and they do come out cute....(will post pic in a few). I used my serger and it made a nice edge without the trouble of making a double folded hem around the edges. BUT it is stiff, crinkly and noisy....not sure how practical the idea is. Maybe it will soften up with use.
We're saving ours for a project that Mother Earth News talked about. You fill them with dirt and build a round (or other shape) igloo style building. Can be used for many things, we would use our first one for storage. It takes about 300 bags to get a good sized building, but we get them from many sources, so not a problem. Probably a labor intensive project, but just looked so cool and very cheap to build.

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