Post your ''Other'' Uses for feed bags

Some day, I will get around to actually using a sewing machine to re-purpose some of my feed bags. But, for now, I'm using them to help me with my landscaping project. I'm clearing some land, and building a stone wall with all of the massive rocks left behind. I have to dig a lot of rocks out of the ground to prepare the area to become an eventual lawn and orchard. My wheelbarrow has a plastic trough. The first time I tried to drag a big rock into it, the bed of the barrow got scratched. So I grabbed a feed bag, slid it under the rock, tipped the barrow up onto it's nose, and used the bag to drag the rock into the barrow as far as I could. Then, I held the bag with one hand, used my foot against the axle for a fulcrum point, and used the other hand to tip the wheel barrow with rock into an upright position. One rock at a time, my stone wall is taking shape, and the ground is getting cleared. Thank you Dumour!!!

I used a lot of my white sacks to insulate the coop it works nicely right now I have a big collection and I am waiting for a big idea . Have not set up the sewing machine for a while . To busy preparing the gardens for next year .
Thanks. I'm just hoping using them doesn't kill my trees. :/ I love the idea of making reusable bags with them but I am not that crafty. lol
I Use them as tarps.
Stronger than the cheaper tarps by a lot...I cut them so they are rectangular staple together and use them to cover my coops in very cold snowy weather put batts of straw on the roof and sides of coops ( I have tractors)then slip this over Like a package with an open front where the door is.Water proof and wind blocking.Also use them over runs .Good way to dispose of the bags instead of building up in my trash.Takes 6 to 8 to cover the whole 4x8x 4 coop
Another use..when cleaning my coops
I have a long wire for a handle Or you could sew one on made from another bag or material.... Bag open flat..then lay it under the coop door...Pull out the straw mess onto the flat bag pull it Like a sled to my compost.flip mess on the pile..

This works great for the coops that are inches from the ground but also for taller ones too.can wash it off reuse it or throw it out..ITS FREE!!cleaning each coop takes just minutes.
The paper ones work as pots. Sort of like a peat pot, but you do have to handle them carefully, once they've been wet, for a few days. I am using them for transplants, which I am giving to rookie gardener....She can just stick the pot in the ground.

Using the feed bags..
would really love photo of this...When you take the seedling outside you can't leave it in The cone can you? WOn't they get rootbound?this stuff doesn't rot very quickly at all Have had some in the ground for a year or 2 and it didn't even rip apart when pulling it out.
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I believe that Royd was talking about the paper feed bags, which decompose very quickly. The plastic tarp like ones are the ones that most of us are re-puropsing. Currently, I'm using them to stuff with good hay that will eventually go into the nest boxes. keeps it fresh and dry. Will use some of them in the spring/summer as planting bags.
I have a chest freezer, and I use them to sort meat types, hamburger in one bag, steaks in another, bread in one..... pork in another, They are strong, and you can pick them up and look under them.

I Use them as tarps.
Stronger than the cheaper tarps by a lot...I cut them so they are rectangular staple together and use them to cover my coops in very cold snowy weather put batts of straw on the roof and sides of coops ( I have tractors)then slip this over Like a package with an open front where the door is.Water proof and wind blocking.Also use them over runs .Good way to dispose of the bags instead of building up in my trash.Takes 6 to 8 to cover the whole 4x8x 4 coop
Another use..when cleaning my coops
I have a long wire for a handle Or you could sew one on made from another bag or material.... Bag open flat..then lay it under the coop door...Pull out the straw mess onto the flat bag pull it Like a sled to my compost.flip mess on the pile..

This works great for the coops that are inches from the ground but also for taller ones too.can wash it off reuse it or throw it out..ITS FREE!!cleaning each coop takes just minutes.

More great ideals!!! Keep them coming everybody!
I use them to store hay. I can buy a bale of hay for $3. But, I don't often use a whole bale in the coop at once, so I stuff the flakes into feed bags to keep them nice and dry/clean. Then, I can grab a single bag at a time, fluff up the nests, toss some on the floor of the coop, or out in the snow for the chicken's entertainment. Those tarp like bags are on my "never throw it away" list.
I use them to store hay. I can buy a bale of hay for $3. But, I don't often use a whole bale in the coop at once, so I stuff the flakes into feed bags to keep them nice and dry/clean. Then, I can grab a single bag at a time, fluff up the nests, toss some on the floor of the coop, or out in the snow for the chicken's entertainment. Those tarp like bags are on my "never throw it away" list.
That is a great idea for my leftover nestbox shavings and straw as well, sometimes I have a few flakes or a 1/4 of a bag left and I put it in a tote. Feed bag is much better idea.

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