Post your ''Other'' Uses for feed bags

I almost have enough to build my dirt - bag (Lol) hut for meditation. I needed 300 and have been getting donations from my SIL who has pigs, fowl and rabbits. Almost there... can't wait!
I use them for all kinds of stuff, garbage bag in coop shed, sunshades on coop windows, along bottoms of mesh coop walls to keep bedding in the coop and out the rest of the shed.

I sewed a large bag (straw bale size) to hold a bale from spreading all over the shed after the twine is cut.
Can grab a flake or two and the rest stays contained in the 'bag'.

Some artists friends cut and sew them into strips and weave baskets with them.
I plan on trying the cut and sew into strips technique to replace the broken webbing on my lawn chairs.

I use them to store hay. I can buy a bale of hay for $3. But, I don't often use a whole bale in the coop at once, so I stuff the flakes into feed bags to keep them nice and dry/clean. Then, I can grab a single bag at a time, fluff up the nests, toss some on the floor of the coop, or out in the snow for the chicken's entertainment. Those tarp like bags are on my "never throw it away" list.
This is a good ideal. I'm like you lazy gardener, It takes a bit to use a bale of hay and this is a good way to keep it clean and dry until it is used up.
I almost have enough to build my dirt - bag (Lol) hut for meditation. I needed 300 and have been getting donations from my SIL who has pigs, fowl and rabbits. Almost there... can't wait!

Oh, chicksurreal I can't wait to see a picture of your meditation hut!

How big will it be?
I use them for all kinds of stuff, garbage bag in coop shed, sunshades on coop windows, along bottoms of mesh coop walls to keep bedding in the coop and out the rest of the shed.

I sewed a large bag (straw bale size) to hold a bale from spreading all over the shed after the twine is cut.
Can grab a flake or two and the rest stays contained in the 'bag'.

Some artists friends cut and sew them into strips and weave baskets with them.
I plan on trying the cut and sew into strips technique to replace the broken webbing on my lawn chairs.

. Wow! aart, that's a lot of sewing. I could do lots with that "big boy" bag.

Holy Cow!! your artist friends made a beautiful basket!!! Love!!

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