Post your ''Other'' Uses for feed bags

shameless bit of self-promotion:

I am also looking for hatching eggs for Sumatras, Hamburgs and midget turkeys. My kids show birds.

Trade suggestions are welcome.
That's what I should do as I have rabbits too.

How much do you sell it for? The problem here is so many have free horse manure but you have to shovel it yourself which would mean you would really a truck to make it worthwhile. I think there would be a lot of people here that would pay for it by the bag that have summer homes here.

How do you seal the bags?

i use mine to scoop rabbit poop into, then i sell the manure :)
"I just started to make a pink valence for my coop window out of the Purina pink woven sack. I cant wait to put it up. how funny will that be? "

I used to think curtains in a chicken house were silly.... but not anymore!! I love this Idea!

I'm going to make some for my hatching and brooding house! Thanks for a great idea.

Need pictures when you get them done and put up!Thats something I would like to try.
For sewing lessons, contact your local shop that sells sewing machines (and usually vacuums, also). The specialty sewing machine shops almost all offer sewing lessons.

Some of the fabric stores offer sewing lessons, too.

Fancy sewing is an art, but plain straight stitching is very easy to learn.

I had sewing classes in Junior High School. I guess they don't offer that any more?
My local feed store sells chicken scratch in the poly bags, the bags are a translucent white and I've saved enough to recover my greenhouse .....they have worked perfectly!
I use a size 16 or 18 needle. My sewing repairman recommended a size 18 leather point needle to go through the plastic better. The tension needs to be loosened a bit on my machine. After talking to the repairman, he said that some newer machines aren't really set up to deal with heavier thread. I always used an older machine since you only need a straight stitch with reverse. Use a good polyester thread.
I have some plain plastic 'burlap' bags from grains. These days the mills don't recycle them because of contamination possibilities. I am going to make some with those and let the grandkids decorate them to personalize them. I don't think they are as strong a bag as the Purina feed bags.
Thanks, I am new to sewing and laughing to myself because now I have to look in the manual to see which dial is for tension,lol!

You will do just fine. I still have to remind myself which way to place the bobbin in!

When I sew the handles on I like to make three parallel rows of zig-zag stitches about 6 layers deep. I think that makes a neater-looking, sturdier handle.

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