Poultry pampering?

Ok now I'm starting to feel kinda ignorant.

I ALWAYS feel a bit ignorant because every time I turn around, my chickens do something/come down with something I've never seen before. That's why BYC exists! I've learned more from the collective knowledge on this site than from any book or article.

And, tbh, if you google chicken questions, the results that turn up are most likely from BYC anyway.

You've come to the right place!
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Most of my "pampering" is health related. I trim overgrown beaks and poopy vent feathers as needed, check feet for bumblefoot or other issues (which can involve a quick foot massage as I'm making sure any areas that look iffy are just discolored and not swelling), ruffle some feathers as I check their skin for any sign of mites/lice, etc.
Most of my "pampering" is health related. I trim overgrown beaks and poopy vent feathers as needed, check feet for bumblefoot or other issues (which can involve a quick foot massage as I'm making sure any areas that look iffy are just discolored and not swelling), ruffle some feathers as I check their skin for any sign of mites/lice, etc.
Sounds rather relaxing actually!
If you want to pamper your pet, then get no more than 2 chickens, take them for regular vet check ups, and knit them little stocking caps to stay warm on chilly nights.
Provide them with a comfortable, predator-proof coop, a adequate run, collect eggs to your heart's content, and when they stop laying...eat 'em.
I have come across articles in various places with subjects like "trimming chicken toenails" and "bathing your duck or chicken". I have heard of wing trimming and even oiling legs. (Oiling legs?!)

So who pampers or even just does bird maintenance? What do you do and why?
I don’t know if it is called pampering, but I do a lot of butt baths because I don’t like poop on their behinds. If it’s not a warm day then I will blow dry them. I also give them warm Epsom salt baths if they look like they don’t feel good. I don’t think this is pampering, but more to keep them healthy.
Some say pampered.but,they live in pens and coops,they deserve extras.why should dogs and cats get all the perks?
They are cared for if sick,with vet or at home,all 9 of them.
Have 3 chopped lettuce,fruit,worms etc.meals a day plus chicken feed.
Coops ,3,cleaned swept,wiped (.theyre small.)pine shavings,thin layer,thrown out daily.dim night lights.
2 barred rocks that like end of bed to rest,can go online for fun chicken videos,( mostly in winter)and love nature on TV.snack tray,on floor.they have clean feet,area is constantly cleaned,feet often cleaned,and checked.rubber mats and sand.on very large fenced covered partly,deck back of house.many sneak in for snack tray of seeds and cornmeal,mealworms too.they rarely make mess.wood floors.theres 3 coops so no one is picked on too much.
They haveCozy paneled heat( with smoke alarms),not below 50 in coop in winter.or they come in to chicken playpen.air conditioners in all coops.on all summer.though some windows remain open for safety,filters clean every 3 days.temp.are extreme,-40 in winter,to 100.top egg laying is 55-79 supposedly.they lay almost all year,even January.
In return,besides loads of eggs, they are great companion birds.friendly,inquisitive,and communicate way better then any pets I've ever had.they can tease you and talk to you,if you listen.they are rarely left alone,for safety.
They all know ,I hope,that they are loved,and in theyre forever home.
I have come across articles in various places with subjects like "trimming chicken toenails" and "bathing your duck or chicken". I have heard of wing trimming and even oiling legs. (Oiling legs?!)

So who pampers or even just does bird maintenance? What do you do and why?

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