Poultry Pod. Is this a decent coop?


9 Years
May 15, 2010
Charlotte, NC
I was looking at coop designs online and came across the Poultry Pod. It is a small and very affordable coop. I am in the process of building a fancier wood coop, but thought that this might be a good option for friends with fewer carpentry skills who want to keep a few backyard hens. I might have gone for it myself due to the affordability if I wasn't already 3/4 of the way through my coop project!
It looks pretty nice. Would need to be in the shade in the summer or would turn into an oven. Would also get very cold in winter.
I've never used one, but looking at it- I'd think it would get to looking really gross and shabby after a couple of weeks with chickens in it.
Absolutely not! Unless you keep it indoors it's going blow across the yard. Heck I don't even live in Chicago (windy city) and my gazing ball blew off and it's got 10#'s of cat litter inside. I was thinking though it may be nice indoors for a broody hen to hatch her chicks in. But outdoors it's going to blow away, not to mention a predator can tear it apart. Don't waste your money. I checked it out 22#'s? It's corrigated plastic.
I don't like it.
- How will it be anchored down so it doesn't blow away?
- Way too small for 4 to 6 chickens as it states it can handle.
- On the other hand, too big to be easily "flipped into the compost" as they suggest.
- Where does the food and water go? Outside to attract rodents, I guess...
- What about winter? It seems to have as many holes as a sieve.

About the only good thing I can see it that you could hose it down.

It seems like an attempt to grab new members of the Backyard Chicken craze who don't yet really know what they need. I think you'll be very happy that you chose to build your own coop.

Can ya tell I don't like it?
FYI. If you have a Home Depot nearby they sell "cull" lumber. You can sometimes get peices of plywood and short 2x4's or other wood. This is what I used to built my raised beds in my garden, nesting boxes. Right not the one near me has 4x6 landscape timber, short but usable. Here it's .51 or 1.01. Not a bad deal if you use your imagination.

You could get, if they have it, 7 peices of ply wood that are usually 2 feet by 4 feet and built that thing. for under $10. including paint if you bought the returned house paint.
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Looks like a great take out box for raccoons who are hungry for chicken tonight.
Alright, I bought a poultry pod last month and so far it's working out fine. I put it together and placed it into my re-enforced chainlink dog run. It's just the right size for my three girls well ventilated for southeastern Oklahoma summer. It's not much differant than refurbishing a dog house really. I figure it's worth trying out. Don't be so quick to write something off until you try it yourself I say.

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