poured in my life can't it stop? Dads Gone9/25/10Gmas Gone10/31/10

yeah. if i can get over there. i have to finish my coop cuz my neighbor complained about a couple chicks in his yard. ugh. id have the coop done if we didn't have such issues here. stupid house.. stupid life. he says i have to keep them out of his yard, if he sees them in there agian he's gonna call the sheriff. we live in the country. ugh. anyway, maybe i should put a bachelor pad of roosters near his side of our property
let him call the sheriff then LMAO.

i still don't have a toilet.. or sinks or washer or tub.. we will be a few more days without cuz we *have* to finish this coop first so i can get the chickens out of cages.. they already started picking.. they are getting to big to leave in the cages.

I hate neighbors. at the old house, the guy let his dog come and kill them.. and the other neighbor was shooting at them with a pellet gun. i didn't witness it but DH did. but didn't do anythig. just like when the neighbor told him to keep them locked up last night. he said nothing. nothing about what we have had to deal with. ya know.. maybe make him realize its' not like we aren't trying. it's also been raining like crazy for two weekends. and trying to get this stupid toilet done.. i just don't know anymore. i told my DH maybei should just go out and kill them all so they don't have to suffer in the cages.. pickign each other to death.

Take care of you. It gets crazy and confusing and every little thing seems like a slap in the face.
Good wishes, and prayers for 'peace' to rain down on you now.
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Things are going ok for now. My bathroom is getting near to done. DH got the septic pipes back together so i can wash laundry, use my sinks, and use the tub. this weekend, he will be putting the new floor down, with the linoleum, painting, and putting a new toilet back down.

onto my family. last weekend we had a cookout. it was supposed to be somewhere else but that place ended up being packed. so they all came to my house. with no toilet.. hahaha. we have a portapotty.thankfully everyone was too busy that they didn't need to go(with a couple exceptions
) anyway, my MIL, FIL and SIL were all back by the chicken coop and my dad asked me if they were gonna eat with everyone else. i said i dunno and they bought pizza. he told me to go tell them to come eat with us. LOL. he likes them.. and they like him. It was awesome that my dad was thinking of them.

I told them to come out and we had a good time eating and drinking(pop) and having a good time lol. my dad had his pooch with and she was just tied with a long leash. and sitting there being a good doggy. i was so hapy to have my dad there with my family.there was one girl/woman, that i didn't really approve of. i mean, a tube top? in that kind of a setting?? showing.. more than i needed to see.

I got a few pics of everyone.. family and friends. grandchildren and us with my dad. i got a few nice pics which i will be getting into a frame
my children and my dad and his dog. i will be taking pics here and there and all the time now. i gotta have pics cuz i never know when will be the last time i see him. i know he's relatively healthy now.. but this has put things into perspective. ya know? i almost lost him at that point. i almost never got to see him up and around.

anyway, another shot below the belt during all this? last week, (before the party/cookout) my grandma ended up in the hospital. with kidney failure. not much they can do. 6 months to live. kicker? on the way down to see her, i call my FIL to say im gonna be late to get the kids, going to hospital. he tells me he's probably headign down there too. his mom isnt doign well. heart issues. so, i get to tell DH that. ugh. Both Gma's are back to the nursing homes, my gma... well, we go to see her tomorrow.. stop at farmers market to pick up a nice bunch of flowers, and then to see her
his gma.. is back and doign ok. they never saw anything with her heart... at least that they are saying. they are both 86. so i know that 86 is not young.. so i think im handling that better than my dad. cuz he's not that old.

one a brighter note, my chickens are in the big cage, my dog is walking, and my bathroom is nearing the finish! so i have been in a good mood for the most part.
here are some pics for those that want to see my dad. i have the only girls in the pic. the only other girl is from my sister and she's got a good reason to not be here. She's in the army stationed in Alaska. She wished she was there though. So, when she comes back(which im not sure when that will be at this point.. everything has taken a back seat since dad has been diagnosed) we are having a party. hopefully here again. as i totally enjoyed. four boys are my brothers and his wifes(one boy was with his father) and two boys are my sisters and her hubby's. my sister and my brother are actually my half siblings. we have different moms. but my dad raised us as full siblings


my sis and i and my dad


my sis, my bro, me and my dad


my dad relaxing


my dad and my youngest(he shaved his head. not sure why.. me thinks the chemo is starting it's "job".. i dunno.


my dad and my kids and his Dog Mattie


my dad and the grandkids
Great pics, enjoy what you have when you have it. I lost my Dad this past year. Life goes on, coffee needs made in the morning, chickens need let out. Best wishes for you.
ain't that the truth? you have no idea how much you take advantage of it without even knowing LOL. i tell ya, im more than happy to have it back and i am totally sick of having to use a porta potty. heres hoping DH finishes the toilet today.

he was totally enjoying it and im glad that he was here. i was hoping that he'd come up again this weekend but i guess not. my middle DD has been with him for a week now. i told my sis in law she could bring her home or i could pick her up. she asked what time i was coming. so i guess that i will be going down today. oh well.

the pics aren't the best but it's all i have. im gonna burn a cd of them for my sis and my brother. as well as getting a few developed. esp the one with my sis and i. lol. he makes me laugh.

it's been a tough week for me with stress of work, life in general. i was so happy it was the weekend this week. im glad everyone's still reading
just wanted to let everyone know that i found out saturday that my dad's cancer was a stage 3b.

today he had some kind of scan. it's stage 4. it's in his bones. without chemo, they said Sept. with chemo, he's got a year. I guess he was crabby today and i don't blame him. he doesn't know how long he's got. he doesn't want to know. but he knows its in his bones. he's also gonna keep doing chemo.. for now.

im numb.. but im broken inside. I'm upset. and i dunno. im lost.

just wanted to update.

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