prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

I'll be praying!
I'm sure it was hard to do that, but it definitely was the right decision. Don't do a job that you don't want to do, or doesn't seem like the right fit. Wishing you luck!

Praying for you and your boss! Is it malignant? (you don't need to answer that if you don't want to) :hugs
Thank you for the reassurance.
you did the wright thing. that job didn't sound like a good option. with all the expenses you need a full time job. otherwise you work for petrol.
Thank you for the reassurance.
Hey everyone. As I mentioned I'm having difficulty with my boss and started looking for a new job. Turns out my boss just found out she has a liver tumor. Please pray for her. I decided I'm going to stay with my job because she expressed some honest things. I'll admit I'm not making much money due to traveling expenses but I think right now God wants me here.
Prayer request:

Oliver, our miniature poodle, has started to loose mobility from what I can tell.
He’s sleeping more, seems painful to walk, and drags when I try to take him on a walk/run (previously he would be bouncing along)
I came in from taking care of the chickens to see him laying in the hallway waiting for dinner. I fed him, and he seemed excited, but otherwise he just seems more sleepy and isn’t moving as much.

Oliver’s 11 years old, and already has Addisons, Degenerative disc disease, yeast infections, dietary indiscretion… so I guess I shouldn’t be surpirsed that he’s getting past his prime.
But it’s still hard. I had to carry him on the walk today (he weighs 20lbs, so it wasn’t that hard) and he’s recently been randomly barking at Finley, his half-brother (whose also eleven, but the only sign of aging for him is a bald nose and grumpiness)

I guess my request is that Oliver can live many more years, or that he will at least be kept as comfortable as possible.
please pray that my car will be fixed after cleaning the tank (petrol got spoiled). I pray that everything else is ok.
Hey everyone. As I mentioned I'm having difficulty with my boss and started looking for a new job. Turns out my boss just found out she has a liver tumor. Please pray for her. I decided I'm going to stay with my job because she expressed some honest things. I'll admit I'm not making much money due to traveling expenses but I think right now God wants me here.
♥️🙏♥️ May the Lord use you to His glory, Sister.
I’ve got a praise today! I thought I had lost my best rooster tonight. I left him and the other bachelor wandering around the coop while I went to eat dinner and when I came back less than 20min later I couldn’t find him and our other rooster was 200 feet away from the coop and acting agitated and I couldn’t find Lawrence. This is beyond strange because he always greets me crowing and running up to me. But nothing. The whole family spent around 20 minutes combing the 2 acres around the house without a peep from him. Right as we gave up he cane running up to the fence with a bloody comb. He had to have been almost 1/4 mile from the coop. No idea what happened to him but he seems alright except for the comb injury which is minor. I’m so grateful he’s alright, I thought he was gone for sure.
Got a new watch… I found it cool that Fossil ( allows you to engrave whatever you want on the back of the watch (on some models).

I decided to engrave Joshua 1:9 as a daily reminder to myself, that God is always with me and that I should have faith and be courageous as an ambassador of Christ.

Here it is.


Joshua 1:9
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

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