prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

An update on my MIL who's been battling cancer. I was in NY recently for almost two weeks and I was able to meet up with her. She wanted the kids to have fun so she paid for them to play in a trampoline park for an hour.
She's has a lot of fluid build up in hee abdomen and was clearly uncomfortable and in pain.
She texted is yesterday to say she finally went to the hospital and got it drained and feels much better and now the hospital is getting "appropriate care" in place. I'm assuming she means hospice but she didn't say.
Aww, she wants to spend some time left with family. She's in my prayers along with you and your husband/family.
God is good! Praise Him for His holiness, His mercies are everlasting! :bow
Never ending Mercy. 🩵 Come -- Follow Him.
"And though I'm not yet as I would be, He has shown me how I could be." I can follow His example by serving the best that I can, at this time in my life. I love to clasp my hands in prayer for those in need. The power of prayer is amazing, especially when the power of Faith follows. I pray for you, each one of you here. ..

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