prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

My internet is out but wanted to share and encourage u @TheDawg ...
I have so many small things with our 2 adult daughters that just had babies 3 weeks apart 6 weeks ago going on health wise, my mom's heart problems, and losing my favorite closest chicken last week...only to see that my flock has something going on too. It's a lot hitting me all at once!
But I decided to try to fix DH dinner last night by grilling burgers and hotdogs that we needed to use up since we had to cancel our family get together cause all of us have been sharing illnesses for 2 months back and forth.
After 45 mins of trying to light charcoal...I was plagued with suicidal thoughts coming at my mind in every way u can imagine. The thoughts that were running through my head were NOT my own and in the moment of being exhausted, overwhelmed, menopausal, and my clinical depression (diagnosed when I was 13 then again when 28 and I'm now 49) I tried to just breathe.
In dealing with my mind I have learned that that really is all we have to do is breathe. We will get through whatever if we do just that....but in order to get the thoughts OUT of my mind I'm simply saying Jesus over and over again with a quiet heart cry of Lord help me.
His mercies are new each morning! I woke up with an unexplainable peace only He can give us!
It doesn't always happen that quickly BUT the key is to just breathe and know He is at work!!!
Keeping u lifted up in prayer!
My internet is out but wanted to share and encourage u @TheDawg ...
I have so many small things with our 2 adult daughters that just had babies 3 weeks apart 6 weeks ago going on health wise, my mom's heart problems, and losing my favorite closest chicken last week...only to see that my flock has something going on too. It's a lot hitting me all at once!
But I decided to try to fix DH dinner last night by grilling burgers and hotdogs that we needed to use up since we had to cancel our family get together cause all of us have been sharing illnesses for 2 months back and forth.
After 45 mins of trying to light charcoal...I was plagued with suicidal thoughts coming at my mind in every way u can imagine. The thoughts that were running through my head were NOT my own and in the moment of being exhausted, overwhelmed, menopausal, and my clinical depression (diagnosed when I was 13 then again when 28 and I'm now 49) I tried to just breathe.
In dealing with my mind I have learned that that really is all we have to do is breathe. We will get through whatever if we do just that....but in order to get the thoughts OUT of my mind I'm simply saying Jesus over and over again with a quiet heart cry of Lord help me.
His mercies are new each morning! I woke up with an unexplainable peace only He can give us!
It doesn't always happen that quickly BUT the key is to just breathe and know He is at work!!!
Keeping u lifted up in prayer!
I meant to also share the new song I heard first time this morning as I was trying to just praise Jesus...
If you all could pray for my Church's VBS, most of the kids in the class I teach really need it. Please pray for their salvation, they are asking questions, but I've only got 2 days left. most of the parents also need prayer for salvation.
Thank you
❤️🙏❤️ You can plant a lot of seeds in two days, and the Holy Spirit can water those seeds over time. You may not see the results of your planting until the resurrection, but God knows!
My internet is out but wanted to share and encourage u @TheDawg ...
I have so many small things with our 2 adult daughters that just had babies 3 weeks apart 6 weeks ago going on health wise, my mom's heart problems, and losing my favorite closest chicken last week...only to see that my flock has something going on too. It's a lot hitting me all at once!
But I decided to try to fix DH dinner last night by grilling burgers and hotdogs that we needed to use up since we had to cancel our family get together cause all of us have been sharing illnesses for 2 months back and forth.
After 45 mins of trying to light charcoal...I was plagued with suicidal thoughts coming at my mind in every way u can imagine. The thoughts that were running through my head were NOT my own and in the moment of being exhausted, overwhelmed, menopausal, and my clinical depression (diagnosed when I was 13 then again when 28 and I'm now 49) I tried to just breathe.
In dealing with my mind I have learned that that really is all we have to do is breathe. We will get through whatever if we do just that....but in order to get the thoughts OUT of my mind I'm simply saying Jesus over and over again with a quiet heart cry of Lord help me.
His mercies are new each morning! I woke up with an unexplainable peace only He can give us!
It doesn't always happen that quickly BUT the key is to just breathe and know He is at work!!!
Keeping u lifted up in prayer!

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