prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Wow, even just 1-8 is impressive to me! I don't have anything memorized

But wow all of it!? And James!? HOW!?

ida know!? All I know is that most of the Bible quizzers in the country have all of Romans,
and James,
and Mathew,
and Hebrews,
and John,
and 1&2 Corinthians,
and I think that's all the books I've quizzed out of

I'm Flock Master or Jake

I'm not good at describing myself.

Colossians 1:16
For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.
Well then I'll describe you for you, sound good?

He's a really nice guy who just recently got saved, and is making a solid effort to get growing.

Once your saved the devil is always knocking on your door. It was hard for me to quit crying over my past sins, thoughts always creeping in. I just said "Get the behind me Satan" and immediately did something to distract myself.

That makes sense and is a good idea, thanks
LOL probably. What exactly is Bible quizzing?
Let's see, how can I explain this without confusing you...
Basically, a whole bunch of people get together and memorize part of or all of a book of the bible. Then the "quizmaster" writes questions from the passage and tests them on how well they know it.
An example question:
According to Romans 3:13, what kind of poison is under their lips?

And then there's quote the verse, and finish the verse, which both kind of explain themselves.

There are three teams of five in a quiz. They sit on pads that are connected to the quizbox. Whoever jumps off the pad fastest gets to answer the question. The pads have two little buttons inside them and they are very sensetive. All it takes is a twitch of your leg to get them to go off, whether you meant to jump or not.
This is the back-view of a quizbox. I can't find the ones that my church uses, but this one look alot like it, except there are only three teams:
Hi, I'm Duckee,

Im the last of 8 children. Both parents were believers. Grandpa was a baptist pastor. I NEVER saw him without the bible in his hand! My parents fell away frim the church before i was born, but God was in our home. My mom walked with God, dad got lost for many years. Im married(x2, same man, no divorce! Lol) 32 years this coming valentines day. I have 3 children, 5 grand babies, 2 ducks, 11 chickens ( so far). I had to give up my career due to illness., but i know in my heart God made me stand still so he can prepare me for the path he has laid for me.
I so want to be a proverbs 31 wife and am working hard
John 14:6. I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except throuh me.
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Would it be easier if we quoted the post by SG that had our name in it, and inserted our info with our name??? Then it could be added to until every one had chimed in on that particular page:
Other posters can quote, and add their own information, then this post can be carried forward, or referred to by post number.
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way too complicated for me to explain accurately but basically it is a lady that is Christian and lived through a terrible ordeal in Lebanon just north of the border with Israel, kind of her life story. Who was at war with who and how she survived and who is her enemy after the ordeal. I hope you can view the video before you join the military. I think the timing of her story is about the time the USA Marine Barracks was bombed in Beirut.

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