prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

I think this is also a lot l
Kelsey, thanks...those really help in a time that's needed...

I have huge prayer requests today. I lost a close friend to suicide. And 2 days later, our head elder passed away... Of leukemia. Donraes battle has me... Heartbroken.

I need prayers. For the family if Jonathan, the family of Pete, and myself. And Donrae ...I've been battling the temptation to drink.

Please pray for us. I'm conflicted, confused, feel betrayed, and absolutely heartbroken for the father of my friend. I know God will provide comfort and answers, but right now I'm struggling to see how.

God bless, thank you brothers and sisters.

God will give comfort!

Not long ago I last my dear papa and I was shocked and broken! I had sister and brothers praying for us and thru it I got super close to the Lord, like I had never experienced... I will pray he does the same for you and the others!
Prayers! You've been strong this long! Remember....

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Talk to Him, a lot right now. God doesn't make bad things happen to children. We don't understand everything. We won't until later. God let's things happen at times. Let's life happen, death happen. We need to remember this. How we handle life's trouble, is truly a test at times. We can do this!

Thank you. The know He can. That's all we have to go on. Really. Seriously. That's all I have that I trust in. Thank you Cynthia :)
Well if anything. God always knows what he's doing. It is us that are left to figure it out. The "plan" for all things to come together for the good.. I'm just struggling with how a person can come to Christ and then, gone. I know there is a greater purpose, but how to even begin closure on someone or something that can send a father, a friend, into such turmoil... Why would a loving God allow a child of his to suffer so much to lose hope. I wasn't there. I'm feeling guilt for NOT BEING THERE.

Daniel shot himself 19 years ago and I still feel guilt; Jenny died of cancer 18 years ago and I didn't present the Gospel message of hope and love in a way that she would accept it therefore I still feel guilt; Todd died of cancer as a new husband, father, and Christian and I still do not see a reason.
I still try and look at death from God's point of view, the person is not dead to God, their soul never dies, we left on earth feel the loss, we left on earth see no reason.

Praying for you and all on this thread.

1 Corinthians 9:24

Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win.

Hebrews 12:1

Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
And in the end, I want to hear: "well done thou good and faithful servant." I think that recent events with Rachel have left us all grappling with the issues surrounding a finite earthly life. Keep your eyes on Jesus, folks. Because, He is our reason for being, in a creation sense, and in a purpose for this life sense, and in a salvation sense. Without Him, nothing else matters.
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So I may seem a little selfish but my dog means everything to me and he is having a really hard time!

Last night we noticed he has vestibular disease on the extreme side and this morning him gums are pale, throwing up, titling head, won't respond, wobbly legs, etc.... I am not able to take him to the vet yet but if you all would pray it doesn't worsen!

It can lead to seizures, stroke, etc, so I really hope it doesn't go that far!
So I may seem a little selfish but my dog means everything to me and he is having a really hard time!

Last night we noticed he has vestibular disease on the extreme side and this morning him gums are pale, throwing up, titling head, won't respond, wobbly legs, etc.... I am not able to take him to the vet yet but if you all would pray it doesn't worsen!

It can lead to seizures, stroke, etc, so I really hope it doesn't go that far!

Oh no, sorry to hear that! My dogs mean a lot to me, too - just yesterday one was having a tough time but she seems better today. I'll be praying for you and your boy. :hugs
Oh no, sorry to hear that! My dogs mean a lot to me, too - just yesterday one was having a tough time but she seems better today. I'll be praying for you and your boy. :hugs

It wasn't very bad last night but this morning he just is not with us very much.... I am afraid of it Leasing to a stroke/seizure!

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