prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Hello everyone! :hugs
Have not been getting alerts here AGAIN! Please if y'all don't see me for three or four days, would someone please tag me? My alerts have been getting swamped for some reason, every single NEW thread is showing up in my alerts, today there were 57!!!! :hit There's no way I can sort through all those and just find the ones I'm following or interested in. This just started about a week ago and I can't figure out why it started or how to make it STOP! :barnie Anyway, here are the posts I want to respond to:

Of course, Daff. Here's "Scrip" for you:

1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Whatever is happening, give thanks for it and accept it as the will of God for you. That turns it into a blessing and allows God to work through it for you, as He promises: ALL things work together for good to them that love God ... even Jesus had to pray, "not my will, but Thine be done."

That poor child. Prayers for his parents as well, this must be so difficult for them.

God loves to answer prayers like this!
❤️🙏❤️ May it be given to you as you have asked!

James 1:5, the promise for wisdom to those who ask.

Amen and Amen! ❤️


Hallelujah, praise God! He really does hear and answer prayers! What a great and awesome God! :bow

Jesus is the Light of the world. Your friend needs to know Jesus. Share Him with them, then you can both walk in the light of His love!
I just found out today that on Tuesday after 12pm my apartment building was shot at from the street where bullets went through one apartment and no one was home and into a second apartment where someone was sleeping

Thank you Jesus no one was hurt

That is just feet away from me and my dog
I just found out today that on Tuesday after 12pm my apartment building was shot at from the street where bullets went through one apartment and no one was home and into a second apartment where someone was sleeping

Thank you Jesus no one was hurt

That is just feet away from me and my dog
Glory to God that no one was hurt!

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