Prayers for the Haitian people

mom'sfolly :

The newspaper this morning said that they think it might reach over 100,000 dead. The epicenter was almost in Port au Prince, the capital and largest city. It is so sad. Our local paper had a list of donation sites. I will copy it later so people can help if they wish, or can afford to.

Be very careful as to where you give because, sadly, you can bet there are scam artists already counting the dough they'll make off this tragedy.​
Robin'sBrood :

mom'sfolly :

The newspaper this morning said that they think it might reach over 100,000 dead. The epicenter was almost in Port au Prince, the capital and largest city. It is so sad. Our local paper had a list of donation sites. I will copy it later so people can help if they wish, or can afford to.

Be very careful as to where you give because, sadly, you can bet there are scam artists already counting the dough they'll make off this tragedy.​

IMHO if it isn't the red cross, don't donate.​
I keep thinking about that ad a few weeks ago
Chickens for Haiti and someone asked if we really could send a chicken there.

Oh how I wish I could. There will be a need for livestock in the coming months as I am sure everything edible will be eaten by starving people before then. I wonder if the hatcheries could work something out to send flock seeder chicks. So that the Haitians can restart their flocks. Of course that would be many months from now.
I feel so helpless.
The most pressing need is water, but that will change. Here are the places that were listed in the paper. I was familiar with most of them. I know that some businesses are setting up paycheck donations through various organizations. My dh works for IBM, and they have set things up with several aid agencies.

American Red Cross

Church World Service

International Rescue Committee

Oxfam America

Salvation Army

Someone from Doctors Without Borders was on the news tonight stating that medical supplies are the most urgent need, and that leaves the rest of the world feeling helpless. However, we need to pay attention to their requests. Right now, food would not help because very few planes can land - the air traffic control towe went down. Rescue groups are flying in manually right now.
Prayer are already on. thank you Debi for reminding us.
I lift my voice to empathize and cry and pour my love into the pain surrounding Haiti. I pray these people do not lose hope, do not despair, but instead find a perspective that can shine light into their hearts during their time of need. Mother, these people have shown again and again their resilience, their tenacity, their ability to overcome the most stacked odds. Allow them to receive not only my love but the love of the world mingled with it...penetrate their grief, their suffering... lift them, carry them, embrace them, and protect them. Amen.

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