Pregnant dog??

Yes, but you'll get flagged and your ad will be removed if the fee is too high. It's supposed to be a "small" rehoming fee -- I've seen $45 for cats and $75 for dogs. Essentially, if you're charging more than a shelter adoption rate, the ad will get taken down.
Agreed. I don't think most people know about this, because I see a whole lot of overpriced dogs on Craigslist. Some people even purposely breed them to sell. I even saw one for $1,500 earlier!:caf😮
Agreed. I don't think most people know about this, because I see a whole lot of overpriced dogs on Craigslist. Some people even purposely breed them to sell. I even saw one for $1,500 earlier!:caf😮
Oh, yeah. Especially the "designer" dogs. Somebody lets their intact toy poodle and Shih Tzu get together, end up with puppies, and try to sell ShihtPoos for $2k per puppy.
I've glanced through dogs/puppies for sale in Chicago ads, it's ridiculous - all types of mixed breeds called "special breeds," by seller - starting at $ 1000. Who is dumb enough to fall for that? Special breeds = mongrels at astronomical prices.
Does Craigslist ever do anything about those ads??
The ads get flagged, taken down, and the IPs are banned.

Surely if I give them away cheaper someone may buy them 🤷‍♀️
Giving them away cheaper is how you end up with surprise puppies being turned over to shelters once the kids lose interest or it gets too big for somebody's 1-bedroom apartment, or worse, ending up as training bait for dogfights.
one thing you can 100% do right now is get him neutered. also when breeding 2 dogs together you should most definitely get them tested for health problems. It is irresponsible to allow puppies into this world that will end up with major health issues later in life. and if you insist on letting her have these puppies you need to make sure they go to good homes, do not sell cheap them or give them away for free. also look into making a contract that says if at any point they cannot keep their puppy they bought from you they are allowed to bring it back to you so it does not end up in the shelter and that they agree to get the dog spayed or neutered at 9 - 15 months so they are allowed to grow to full size while still hopefully preventing them from breeding their new dog irresponsibly. and if she is not pregnant get her spayed right away. if you life in the Americas or many other continents there are wolves and coyotes that will be attracted to your female dog and you could end up with a very bad situation on your hands.

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