Pregnant dog??

Take her to the vet for an ultrasound. If she’s not pregnant, fix one’s recommended to wait two years on giant breeds, but whatever - better than a litter of unwanted puppies.
Its not cruel. Whats cruel is the mother going through a painful birth when she is only a puppy herself, and then the puppies potentionally having nowhere to go/ending up in the wrong home and getting put down later in life

the pro's of a spay abort outweighs the cons. Period.
I've glanced through dogs/puppies for sale in Chicago ads, it's ridiculous - all types of mixed breeds called "special breeds," by seller - starting at $ 1000. Who is dumb enough to fall for that? Special breeds = mongrels at astronomical prices.

I know. I HATE this whole doodle thing. if you want a mutt, there are plenty at the shelter for 100 bucks...
Oh my!! A pregnant pup. Please don't offer them on Craigslist. People get them and use them for dog training with their agressive dog breeds. Call a GP rescue or any Rescue and offer them up. They will make sure a good home is found. Not a home that gets an adorable pup and then it grows and is given to a shelter because it got to big!! As you've learned, any female that goes into heat or a human that has her monthly cycle can get pregnant with a male introducing his sperm even at the age of 10 years old.
Please- please turn those unwanted pups to a Rescue.
Don't sale or give them to strangers on FB, Craigslist, newspaper, flyers ect.
The truth hurts but, it will be VERY costly if she needs a Cesarean Section as she is young and can have ten Huge pups. Plus you'll have to pay for all the Pre natal tests and pup vaccinations and puppy milk if she doesn't have enough milk for them or gets mastitis and needs antibiotics. If she needs an emergency C/S at night or weekend spend the extra thousands of dollars and have the poor girl spayed. At that rate, what's another thousand bucks because,, it won't make a difference. Thank God for having your Stimulus checks to pay for your Vet bills. I sure wouldn't want those.
Good Luck!
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Oh, yeah. Especially the "designer" dogs. Somebody lets their intact toy poodle and Shih Tzu get together, end up with puppies, and try to sell ShihtPoos for $2k per puppy.
My biggest pet peeve are doodles. There are plenty of well bred pure breeds, and mutts in the shelter to choose from.

Adopt or shop responsibly.
Its not cruel. Whats cruel is the mother going through a painful birth when she is only a puppy herself, and then the puppies potentionally having nowhere to go/ending up in the wrong home and getting put down later in life

the pro's of a spay abort outweighs the cons. Period.
Not to mention the toll it would take on the mother's body, the high chance for pregnancy and birth complications, the risk of the puppies dying in infancy, and the high chance of the puppies being born with extreme deformities because their mother isn't old enough to develop them properly.

Getting a spay abort is also much cheaper than your dog having an emergency c-section because the puppies are too big for her to deliver.

Not to mention the heartache of losing the puppies because she couldn't deliver them on time.

She doesn't know she's pregnant. That's the important factor here. She won't know she's pregnant until she delivers, and if she loses those puppies because of complications due to her age, she is NEVER going to be the same, and you're never going to forgive yourself.

I'm speaking from experience. Get her spayed.
I have two dogs (not siblings)
Duchess- girl, turns a year old in August
Duke- boy, turned a year old in December
They live outside, both are Great Pyrenees, amazing guard dogs

Duke was jumping on Duchess all of a sudden many weeks ago but I’m not sure how many. He stopped awhile after and they were both acting normal. I noticed the blood too. They always follow each other around and pick on each other until now. This is very unusual. A couple days ago, I noticed that Duchess was acting strange. She started going in the garage or under a tractor in my barn. She was acting tired. When Duke and I come find her, she gets up and kind of wanders off by herself without Duke. Then I started noticing her nipples and her gained weight. I’m not sure about the diet though.
I’ve never raised puppies before either
Here are pictures of Duchess:
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Is she pregnant? How long until puppies? Any tips or questions?
If a Male is "jumping" or "Humping" a Female or whatever you want to call it. When the Female is without protection by surgical or artifical means ANY female WILL have a baby, puppy, ect..Do you understand how that works?
It's natures way of reproducing wanted or unwanted outcomes. In your case, it's puppies!!!!! Thats gonna be an expensive case.
Sorry to read this. Good luck!
I do not agree with killing the unborn puppies. I will let her have them and then spay her. I know some people to sell them to. Surely if I give them away cheaper someone may buy them 🤷‍♀️
I work with a lot of animals and I hear this constantly. It is not cruel. I promise you.

Besides that, as others have mentioned, you are putting a massive strain on a dog that is literally a puppy herself. She doesn't know how to be a mother. She is a /puppy/. You're going to put her through hours long delivery, and possibly a c section for no reason.

You've also stated several times you don't know what to do/aren't prepared. These puppies are going to need hundreds to thousands of dollars in shots, food, and general vet care even before they get new homes. And just 'giving them away' will lead to them getting homes with people who have no idea how to take care of them, or people buying them for bait dogs/etc.

Please, I know you love your dogs and you want to do what's best for them but this is not the way. I know it seems like everyone is being mean but we all really care about animals and want what's best for them.
When I was young snd stupid, I bred a female purebred Collie to a purebred msle Collie. I was a stay-at-home mom and I was present when she went into labor. Long story short, the first puppy was big and got stuck. I took her to the vet during normal hours but he was busy and did not get to her till after hours. I helped deliver ten puppies by C-section. We got three out alive. My plans of selling beautiful Collie puppies for a couple hundred each went down the tubes faster than you can say oh cr*p. I spent several hundred dollars to the vet and my dog ended up spayed.

Your pup is too young to breed. Giant breeds like Pyrs need to have their joints checked to make sure they are sound and do not have dysplasia. They have to be two or three years old before they can have their joints tested and certified. Your puppies will likely go to homes of other ignorant people, sorry, uninformed. Who will also allow them to be bred too early, perpetuating the problem. Be a responsible owner. Spay/abort now.
If you are really determined to allow her to have the pups, maybe reach out to the breeder(s) you got yours from and ask for advice/help they may be willing to teach you what it takes to care for the puppies and adopting them out. She definitely is very young to be having a litter of her own, but not the youngest dog I've seen/heard of having pups. Anything less then 2 for breeding is not recommended no matter the dog breed. Especially without pre-breeding health screens on both parents.

My biggest pet peeve are doodles. There are plenty of well bred pure breeds, and mutts in the shelter to choose from.

Adopt or shop responsibly.
After 9+ yrs in the vet industry, I cannot stand doodles. They are allergic to life, anxiety ridden and tend to be aggressive. Strong dislike, and their is absolutely nothing purebred about them. 😏
I can sell chickens and working dogs on craigslist. Not best venue for either.

My favorite most sustainable approach is to have dogs go to neighbors that will use them for what they were bred for.

There is a lot of problems that have to be since the establishment of pure breeds and overwhelming use of dogs as purely pets.

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