Premier1 poultry fencing neighbor complaint PICS ADDED

Tell her to put up curtains or don't look out the front door or better yet she can move.

This is why I would never move to a place with any of those HOA bylaw, anti american, we don't mind our own business rule places.

I am assuming clotheslines are illegal? I would string rope all over the yard and just hang my freshly dried in the dryer laundry all over, just to get under her skin. I am assuming you can't have flag poles in your front yard? get one of those. If a certain type of trash can is required buy another type, if you can't have trash on the curb before a certain hour in evening put it out there two hours early.
Do you have dog? tie it up in the front yard a few hours a day, in most subdivisions pets must be in the back. Borrower a boat or a big RV and park it in the driveway, most HOA"s prohibit that too.

The morale of my story is pass this on to your neighbor and show her how LUCKY she really is that I'm not her neighbor. Because honestly I would do whatever I could think of to drive her nuts and the rest of the neighbors for not keeping their nose on their property. What are they going to do? Honestly, THE HOA HAS NO POWER. You cannot be kicked out of your home no matter how much they may threaten, the courts have ruled in the homeowners favor on these types of issues time and time again.

I have been told by many a neighbor when I have moved or have been in a new place a while I am one of the best neighbors a person could have. 1. I MIND MY OWN BUSINESS 2. I'm neighborly 2. I MIND MY OWN BUSINESS.
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And that is the reason I will never live in a neighborhood that has HOA and covenants.

I think once the silt fence is removed it will not be noticeable.
Peacocks . . . what an interesting idea . . .

Just found this thread today. You guys are hilarious. So many posts have me giggling.

Still reading . . .
Well if it were me and i was within the by-laws I would put a smile on my face and give a slight hand gesture
and then wave goodbye.

If ya do get peacocks ya want have to worry about just that one neighbor ya will have to worry about most of them. Peacocks can be loud at times
I love your SPUNK! We live very much in the country--there is a farm on both ends of the subdivision (horses, no less). There are very very few restrictions--no boats/trailers/broken down cars parked for more than 30 days, no pigs, no cattle. Pretty much anything else goes. Another neighbor has complained about a half dozen things, but none of them are against the bylaws--she doesn't like that I don't have a brick front detached garage (not required), she doesn't think my husband should park his S-10 pickup in the driveway because it has his business logo on it, she doesn't like our fence (it's plastic, right--bylaws say plastic fencing is OK), and she doesn't like that we "spread chicken sh~t all over the place" (we put our bedding on our garden and compost it--and we've only done it once). She even called the Dept of Nat Resources to report my "mishandling of animal feces," and their recommendation for chicken bedding? "Compost it or spread it in garden and flower beds." Score one more for me. These dummies didn't read their bylaws, clearly, and now they want their preferences to carry the day. No can do. Not me. They're messin' with the wrong feisty Italian. I have a law degree, and I know what this stuff means. It's starting to look like I've got more idiots than chickens to manage.

Thanks, everyone for all of your support, humor, and good advice--I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!
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We put in split rail fencing, and then put in green wire mesh fence inside the split rail. You have to be almost on top of the fence to spot the mesh.

The mesh is so hard to see that when the BFD runs to the fence barking at joggers or bikers, they can't tell that he can't get between the rails and so they get a bit of extra cardio ...

You might want to just give in and put in some permanent fencing that meets your needs and fits in with the neighborhood.

OTOH, we used to rent a place in a HOA neighborhood back when we'd just gotten out of college. One of the neighbors complained to our landlord that he "couldn't sell his house" because my room-mate had an older car that he parked in the street (in front of our house, not this guy's place around the corner). We checked out the HOA rules, and there were no rules against pink lawn flamingos, so we got twenty of them. Those got "stolen", so we got a few big hairy dudes we knew to come over and chill in the front yard in speedos in exchange for all the beer they could drink when the neighbor had an "open house" one saturday. I told the neighbor's real estate agent to get his client to give back the flamingos or it was gonna get a lot worse.

We won that exchange, but we knew this guy was planning to move, and we weren't planning on being there all that long ourselves.

I guess it depends on whether you want to get along with the neighbors. Sounds like you'd like to try to, so I'd think about a different fencing solution.
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After reading all of this, I am thankful I live in a rural area with no deed restrictions! I will have to hurt my neighbor if I lived where she did...LOL! Too many rules!

Throw some chicken poo in her yard and she might like how it makes her grass and flowers grow...LOL!
I love your SPUNK! We live very much in the country--there is a farm on both ends of the subdivision (horses, no less). There are very very few restrictions--no boats/trailers/broken down cars parked for more than 30 days, no pigs, no cattle. Pretty much anything else goes. Another neighbor has complained about a half dozen things, but none of them are against the bylaws--she doesn't like that I don't have a brick front detached garage (not required), she doesn't think my husband should park his S-10 pickup in the driveway because it has his business logo on it, she doesn't like our fence (it's plastic, right--bylaws say plastic fencing is OK), and she doesn't like that we "spread chicken sh~t all over the place" (we put our bedding on our garden and compost it--and we've only done it once). She even called the Dept of Nat Resources to report my "mishandling of animal feces," and their recommendation for chicken bedding? "Compost it or spread it in garden and flower beds." Score one more for me. These dummies didn't read their bylaws, clearly, and now they want their preferences to carry the day. No can do. Not me. They're messin' with the wrong feisty Italian. I have a law degree, and I know what this stuff means. It's starting to look like I've got more idiots than chickens to manage.

Thanks, everyone for all of your support, humor, and good advice--I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!

Wow............I could never deal with that, I feel so sorry for you. They really put a damper on country living.........what the heck are they doing there, they should be in South Beach in a condo. A HOA was one thing I knew I couldn't deal with when I bought my house. I don't, but I'd rather live next to a neighbor with wrecks on his lawn that left me alone, than a neighborhood that was just for looks, not living.
Your neighbor "friend" doesn't sound like a friend to me. No matter what you do they will probably find fault with it. So only do what you feel like doing and I would not rush to get it done.
If you really want to landscape then do it. But don't do it to please them. You are in the right and the fence looks fine. Its a poultry fence. They look like that.
And if she is a friend, then talk to her and let her know that what she is doing and saying bothers you. Communication can be good when done correctly.
Lastly, enjoy the chickens, they are so much fun!
I'm with horsejody! Having said that, our coop is so surrounded by trees it was many weeks before our neighbors even knew we had it! Maybe you have a tree shortage between your property lines.

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