Premier1 poultry fencing neighbor complaint PICS ADDED

I swear, why don't people mind their own dang business?


I can donate some duck eggs for her to suck if necessary
Chicklips, I was going to say the same thing about the pink trike! LOL

I wouldn't do anything in response. Just forget about it. Do nothing. Every now and then give her some eggs. Otherwise pretend nothing has happened.

She'll get over it and things will be fine.
i hate HOA's and will never live in one.
have you tried slipping her a dozen eggs for her troubles. we have our coop near a fence and the girls get a little loud before and after laying. so that neighbor gets hooked up once a month.
she has to abide by the rules, does she have anything that is out of the norm? and well the LEO in your area is wasting resources by doing drivebys, might be a good idea to stop by and talk to the LEO bosses and explain your situation. if they are being called out on BS complaints the source of the complaints can be cited and fined. once their is a trail of abuse its easy to use the HOA bylaws to your advantage. use all resources at your advantage. even cops eat eggs, bring the chief a dozen when you stop in to talk to him.
Paint the wire black with a roller brush. Apparently the eye doesn't focus on black wire, but what is behind it. Don't know if that's true, but I do know black wire on cages is much less visible. You seem to look "though it to what's behind.
When we were house hunting the one main rule I had was no HOA's. I value my freedom to be who I am and so I respect that in others as well. HOAs allow people that don't pay your mortgage and don't pay your taxes and don't live in your house to dictate to you how you should live according to their expectations. Gated communities, imo are for people who live in fear or don't wish to accept others for who they are. I think the fencing is fine, the chickens are great and you have enough property that with some nicely placed hedges or a tree line would perhaps benefit the situation. Here's a suggestion, get the neighbor a pair of binoculars and put a sign in your yard with small print that says i can see you too!!
I haven't read all 6 pages, but I have to be the Devil's Advocate here.

First I applaud you & DH for getting the fencing done yourselves.
I am totally inept at that kind of work and generally end up hiring someone to get it done right.

Your fencing does look fine EXCEPT the netting IS sagging and unfortunately that does make it a tad bit unsightly.
It may be solid and safe for your chickens, but tightening it would make it a lot better-looking.

I have horse-fencing of coated trensile wire and am careful to keep the lines taut. While a bit of less-than-perfectly tight wire is still safe for keeping horses in, it definitely looks better when all lines are symetrical and taut.

It wouldn't take too much time to go along your fenceline and tighten up the netting and then your neighbors could go suck eggs (their own storebought, not your good ones
Different opinions on the unsightliness. I see nothing wrong with the fence, but I understand it's portable and not meant to be tightened and installed firmly. I just can't stand HOAs and would never move into a neighborhood with one, but that's just my opinion. Neighbors like that I can do without, and it's tough when the kids are friends.....
FWIW, that type of fencing is not really meant to keep chickens in so much as to keep predators OUT, and as long as it is hooked up to a suitable charger and you check it periodically to make sure it has sufficient zap it does pretty well for that purpose


Did not realize that fence was electric.
I would go and take some eggs (or cakes made from the eggs) to each of my neighbours and have a chat with them. There are some nice people in the world, some not nice, some nice becoming not nice and some not nice becoming nice. I would just wait it out!
I am new here so I am watching my language but being scottish I would probably be a little proactive in my actions, both vebal and physical :)

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