Premier1 poultry fencing neighbor complaint PICS ADDED

Are you related to my hubby?

I think the houses are TOO BIG and the pastures "under-utilized".

Just go to the bank and borrow about $25,000.00 and build an "acceptable" fence.

Then, when the Bank "forecloses", your neighbor's property values will drop.

That'll FIX 'em !!!!!!!!!

just joking, of course...

Just ask your other neighbor if you can borrow some of that ugly orange construction fencing and use that to hide your hideous white fence

(aint I helpful)
Tell her you don't like the poffy little plants she has out the front of her house and that she should pull them out. Find something redickulas(can't spell) to complain about to her, I love your house, Its beautiful. Tell her to shut up
Sorry to have to break the news to you, but she is NOT your friend. She has tried to control you to satisfy herself. She has talked behing your back in a conniving way. Tell her to go suck an egg.


I feel your pain. We were having some trouble with our neighbors regarding our chickens and our pigs.
It really is no fun. A lot of head aches and worrying for me.
Good luck.
Good god. Where on earth do all you people on these forums live that everyone seems to think other people's property is any of their business? Our neighbors parked junky cars at the back of our fence for lack of a better place to put them . . . we plant bushes. Not hard.

Your fencing is lovely. I agree . . . go give her a "talk" about how you've been getting calls about her landscaping, and how she needs to have it completely redone. If she can't see the humor in that, at least, she's beyond me.

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