Premier1 poultry fencing neighbor complaint PICS ADDED

I need it to keep the chickens in

Just a note. I've been using the same fence for a year now and it keeps in MOST of my chickens. I have about 40 blkstars and there are now 6 that fly over every morning. I've clipped one wing & two, no difference. The chickens don't feel the electricity much (because I've seen them poking their heads through without issue).

It does keep other critters out. (My corgi will attest to that.) You may not have as much issue since you have a pretty large area and fewer chickens. (I bought two, so the area is pretty big.)

I like this the best. I vote for telling her don't worry- you'll hide the electric netting fence with that orange construction fencing "everyone around here uses."
Is there any way to tighten that fence and make it look straight? Don't get me wrong. For me personally, a fence made from feedsacks would suffice.

That is nice enough fencing. It is "legal" and it works for your intended purpose. It is moveable. How well does it stand up to stretching? Maybe if you just stretched the fence a bit tighter that would solve the entire problem. That seems to be the main complaint. Hope it all works out in the long run.

Pick your battles. Maybe a day of fence stretching and a cold six pack would go a long way to make everyone happy. You could invite your neighbors ("friends") to help. If they are not willing to get involved for a single afternoon to help make the fence look the way they want, ignore them. They are not your friends and they are not THAT bothered by the fence. They just like to raise fuss.
The rebel in me says tell your friend where to go find that egg to suck but I agree with the last person. Invite the group of cackling hens over to help straighten it and put out a can for DONATIONS for the new privacy fence they would like you to put up to hide your other fence. Tell them that they are welcome to help raise the new fence, straighten the old fence, and pay for any other changes they would like to see on YOUR LAND but unless they want to be a part of solving their complaint then they shouldn't be complaining. You fence doesn't look as bad as I thought from what you were writing. I thought it looked good. The laws didn't say 'unless it's not visible about chain link' so just blow it off and have a nice day.
Yep, a 6 ft hedge should shut her up.

Or a line of junker cars would hide the fence. OR the neighbor could plant trees and hedges on HER OWN property!​
you are all great. i plan on getting out this weekend *if it doesn't rain* and stretching and staking it tight as possible. i may roll it black--i've seen pics of black plastic fencing and it is less visible. but for now, it is what it is. i may plant hydrangeas along her side of it--i love them, and they're small enough that I could dig them up easily if necessary. i don't plan on moving the fence regularly, but i would if my ground started to look really wrecked. i also plan to put a playground for my kids between the fence and the maple trees, which would also obscure the fencing. and it'll be a cedar playground similar to everyone else's, so she can't fuss about that. too bad for her that her front yard faces my back. funny thing is, she travels for work 20 days of the month and isn't even home, and her husband is home (no job) and works in his detached garage every day. the only windows that face my house are her garage windows and her son's bedroom, and they enter and exit the house through the garage. i also identified one of the neighbors who drove by, too. they b!tch about everything, so no one listens anymore when they complain.

thanks for all the support, the humor and the good advice. i really appreciate all of you--and feel very fortunate to have found you. have a fantastic weekend, and I'll post pics of the "fixed" fence if the weather cooperates and we get out to pull it straight.
hey, i just thought of it--what about a human-size version of those blinders that stop a chicken from pecking the others? That way she won't be able to look! Whew, at least I got my sense of humor back on this...

and finally, my new joke:

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because the snotty neighbors made me take down my fence!

Exactly why we avoided that type of neighborhood. I think your fence looks fine, and I am picky. Strech it to make it look a little more "finished", and maybe the busy-body will find something else to do with the time she seems ro have aneed to fill with other people's concerns.

Maybe the fence would look better to her if she wasn't looking down her nose at it???
This solution might work. I am sorry that you live in a housing development with numerous covenants. The only thing I know for sure is that if your neighbors want to change any rules, they will need 100% agreement with everyone who lives there, UNLESS the bylaws suggest otherwise. I Happen to like your fencing, BUT, you may have to invest in something fancier OR put in fast growing hedges or, perhaps, berry bushes? Check on line to make sure that what you plant isn't poisonous to the birds.

I wish that all of our neighbors were as busy as us so that they wouldn't have time to pick apart everybody else.

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