Preparing to set call and pekin duck eggs! Hatch day should be March 4, 2021 if all goes well!

Calls specifically :) Because Raven told me to. She told me that she found she had better hatches on Calls when she set it to 100 instead of 99.5. Being how many Calls she's hatched, I took her advice, haha.
Ah. Yep that would explain how I got that info too. Either Ravyn told me that or WVduckchic. Might of been you.. I'd go with any of the three of y'alls advice. 😜
Thanks so much! I will definitely share updates throughout the incubation. I’ll be setting the calls tommorow morning and I set the pekin eggs yesterday. I will candle for the first time on Feb 10! :ya
Happy So Excited GIF
Oh yayyyyyy!!!! Looking foward to it! I love how you have so many animals!!! Good luck
Thanks! Glad you’re following my call duck hatch adventure! Yes, I have quite the array of pets around here! :gig
I should update my signature because now I have 8 cats ( 1 is a foster), 8 rabbits, 3 guineas, a dog, 9 call ducks, 1 pekin and 1 crested mallard rescue duck, a turtle, a frog, and too many fish to count. :lol:
things are hectic... I’ll be hatching a couple batches of ducklings and possibly guinea keets this spring/summer too :oops:

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