Production Red Coughing?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 7, 2013
I just got two production red hens today they are over a year old in age. She seemed just fine at first but I had to put them in a pet traveler till I can clip their wings tonight and then get them back outside to the new coop. She is making a strange gurgling coughing sound. I think it started after I put pine shavings in the carrier, trying to make them comfortable. Could it just be dust? The other hen is not doing it, well I don't think. I still plan on getting some hay, I didn't realize till I got home I grabbed the wrong bag. What do you all think? If it continues , I am calling the farmer back today and asking him to exchange them or something. He told me to call him if I had any problems or needed help, or wanted to exchange them.
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Well , in the last hour or so, she or both, seems to have stopped the coughing noise or whatever it was. I hope it stays this way.

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