Prolapsed vent suggestions please


Jul 2, 2019
Hey all. My 3 year old duck has what I can only assume is a prolapsed vent. She won't cooperate with me getting a picture so you'll have to just trust me on it.

I know I theory you can push it back in but it looks like it had a hard scab on the top of it? Not sure if it's dried blood, poop or something else - again she's quite nerotic and I can't hold her and check at the same time.
I think it might hurt her to touch because she freaks out even more when I try to look at it or touch it.
She last pooped about 30-60 mins ago and isn't really wanting to eat (I do have her inside so she's a little stressed).
The bird vet at the emergency vet won't be in until 6am. Will she be okay until then? Is there anything I can do to help her poop or feel more comfortable outside of a warm bath? She has a very droppy tail as well which I'm sure is just a sign of her discomfort.
Update: 8:27pm. Tossed her back in tub with warm water and immediately pooped. So that's good at least she's not completely clogged up.
I'm not a pro at it but it didn't feel like she's got an egg stuck either luckily they are working towards molting season and will stop laying soon
Hello, I recently helped a hen with a prolapse recover. This was a chicken, but I’d imagine the treatment is similar.
Here’s my thread, it has lots of great info on how I treated my girl. Read it and follow the article posted as I did, but either way the very first thing you need to do is give Calcium citrate or Glutonate.
I have calsorb that my vet gave me for another girl with thin shelled eggs. It helped her. It's technically for dogs but he's an avian vet primarily and gave me that to use for my other girl. Will that be fine for now? I tried giving her egg shells which are usually like treats for my girls but she didn't want any not sure if it's cuz she feels bad or just stressed from being inside and isolated
I have calsorb that my vet gave me for another girl with thin shelled eggs. It helped her. It's technically for dogs but he's an avian vet primarily and gave me that to use for my other girl. Will that be fine for now? I tried giving her egg shells which are usually like treats for my girls but she didn't want any not sure if it's cuz she feels bad or just stressed from being inside and isolated
Yes, give her the calcium solution the vet gave you. Give her they daily and follow the advice in the thread I posted.
I’m rooting for her!
Yes, give her the calcium solution the vet gave you. Give her they daily and follow the advice in the thread I posted.
I’m rooting for her!
I read the entire article! So very helpful and I'm going to up my first aid. Although I'm going to the vet tomorrow maybe I'll be able to treat at home in the future with that wonderful information. Seriously this forum is the best. Owning ducks is so scary because there is no readily available care info out there (even chicken info isn't always the best which is what I typically do and apply to my girls) and there's very few vets that know or care enough about poultry to be helpful.
I read the entire article! So very helpful and I'm going to up my first aid. Although I'm going to the vet tomorrow maybe I'll be able to treat at home in the future with that wonderful information. Seriously this forum is the best. Owning ducks is so scary because there is no readily available care info out there (even chicken info isn't always the best which is what I typically do and apply to my girls) and there's very few vets that know or care enough about poultry to be helpful.
I’m glad you have a vet appt. Hopefully they can get it figured out for you. 🙂
You should still give her calcium ASAP. It will help her pass a blockage. You can get Calcium Gluconate at TSC. It says injectable, but you can give it orally.
Goodness I feel like such a dumby. I brought her in and they were able to get a good look at her (I did say she was fussy remember) and it wasn't a prolapsed vent but just an external mass nearish her vent. I mean turns out it was inflamed and infected and that WAS what was causing the problem it seems so it was good I took in.
They said the best thing to do was have it removed by a minor surgery. So I gave the go ahead and spent the next few hours feeling sick to my stomach knowing birds have a hard time on anesthesia and waiting for the call that she didn't make it through the procedure. Got a call around 1030am that she was doing just fine and eating the peas I left with them.
I left her there for the rest of the day figuring it was the safest place for her Incase of any delayed side effects (she does have seizures from time to time) and picked her up after work.
She's now set up in my shower as a temporary home while her stitches heal. Which kills me since they gave very explicit instructions to keep her inside and away from the others. Debating if I could let her near the others just to say hi (She is my drake's favorite and he is very protective over her) or if that would cause more stress and harm than good. I want to keep her as calm and quiet as possible.

She is eating peas up like candy but isn't very interested in her normal food right now. I'm trying not to be worried about it since I know anesthesia can cause an upset stomach and I'd assume it's the same for ducks?
Don't ask what it cost to bring her to an emergency vet at 6am though to get a "minor" surgery done 🥹
You can always try putting her in a dog crate to keep her clean and confined. But will allow you to put her outside where she can see everyone. Sometimes this is better, because they are more likely to eat and drink when they are still connected with their flock.
You can always try putting her in a dog crate to keep her clean and confined. But will allow you to put her outside where she can see everyone. Sometimes this is better, because they are more likely to eat and drink when they are still connected with their flock.
I might try that. She's not eating much besides the peas and mealworms I gave her. Drinking fine though

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