pronouncing mille fleur d' butchering it.

Actually, I think the way your husband is saying it is hysterical, I love it; however it is actually pronounced millie - just like it looks, then fleur is pretty much like it looks - flur. That's usually never the part that folks are asking about anyway, it's the d'uccle part that throws 'em. Depending on the country you are in and for that matter in the US, the part of the country you are in; you will hear it pronounced/mutilated multiple ways. I wrote to one of the international groups about this very thing because it was driving me crazy and I was sick of stumbling around over it myself. The folks in Belgium pronounce the town (where they are from) ooo-clay. Therefore if you are not IN Belgium and you have "these birds" they are called d'uccle meaning "from the town of Uccle." The English, the Dutch and the rest of the international poultry folks pronounce it dew-clay. Depending on where you are in the US you will hear it more and more pronounced that way. There are still a lot of folks that are calling them dee-uckles. If you really want to HEAR it pronounced, there is a wonderful tool on line that is a translator and will also pronounce the word for you. If you enter just the d'uccle part, it will pronounce it for you in an uncountable number of languages. I believe it is part of the "imTranslator" toolbar. I downloaded it and have it running on my computer. It is a tremendous help, particularly now as our world is shrinking by the day, and we are presented with so many opportunities to deal with other cultures and countries. Anyway you say it, they are adorable birds that need a lot of help from committed folks who really want to improve the breed. They're pretty easy to come by, not so easy to come by really good ones. My primary bird of choice is the cochin, but I have a small group of Millie Fleur and my favorite personal, pet bird is a d'uccle hen.
I just dearly LOVE
her and I'm lucky that she has turned out to be an absolutely magnificent hen in type.
She's the total package, looks, personality, and disposition.
were in wild wonderful west virginia, so that should add a nice spin to a beautifel french pronunciation, since we dont have a creek or a roof in our state, just criks and ruffs.

In the area of WV where I grew up, girls didn't wear panties. They wore! DH gets a big kick whenever we go "home" for a visit. When we cross the 64 bridge at Ashland leading in WV, he ALWAYS grabs on tight as we pass through the black hole portal going back in time...
He's REAL funny

i LOVE IT. when we go to visit family in Tallmasville and 10mile i never want to leave! anyone know where that is? if your last name isnt shipman, tinny or zickafoose, you dont live there.
AND................WHEN I READ YOUR POST OUTLOUD BECAUSE MY KIDS ASKED WHAT I WAS LAUGHING AT...I REALIZED THAT I SAY...PAINIES. i laughed even harder because my kids didnt understand what i was talking about.
you know......thanks for all the info......i had no idea so many people pronounced it differently! this is great..keep it comming. anyone ever had a weird moment when unsure of the pronunciation? i could just see myself asking about the milFLERDickles over the phone........and then silence or laughter on the other end.
Love it, love it, love it....substitute "there" with "yonder" and you got it!!

mill floo-r doo clay (sorry...I'm not good with phonetic spelling, but I think you get the drift).

ETA: if you have an incubator, "bantyrooster" on here has the most gorgeous flock, and actively sells hatching eggs.

i dont have an incubator.........i know people have made home=made ones- i wonder if i could get a pattern or an idea of what i need to make one? i f i did that, i would definately interested in hatching eggs, ive always hatched chicks inder chickens, but i might like to give it a shot, i really would!
I think the more important thing people could do is to understand that "Mille Fluer" is not a breed.

So many people talk about having/wanting some "Mille Fluers" and they usually mean d'Uccles, but really it's just like asking for "Wheatens" and not specifying the breed.
Same with Marans. They're really like "muh-RAHN" (no S), but you know, when in Rome...(or, when in America)...I just say Marans like they're Karen's. It's funny when somebody corrects me and says "Mar-RANS". heehee.
You ARE mistaken about Marans, it IS Marans and not Maran. I mean if all of the club members, breeders, and MCC the national club ALL say that it is MARANS because they come from Marans, France,
what makes you think it is Maran?
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