Proud new owners of Bantam Chickens pose our first problem with our Brahma (limping and dragging her

Thanks Annalog. I am glad your hen has recovered well. :) I have kept a close watch on her. The other two chickens have shown no signs of picking on her but I am keeping a close eye out. Although she is hobbling around and doesn't use her injured leg much, she has been able to keep up with the rest of the flock no problem. We put some rocks in their coop as a step to help her get up to roost, which she did last night no problem. She used her good leg to roost and let the bad leg hang off. Not sure how good that is or not. :-/ She seems about the same today. If she doesn't show improvement in the next day or so, I will probably isolate her to help her rest her foot to see if that helps. I will try the apple cider vinegar mix. Thanks for the info from Two Crows. Thanks for all the great additional input fellow Chicken lovers. :)
If the rocks are wobbly, cement blocks make good steps and chicken furniture. We set up a half block (8"x8"x8") as one step and a full block on end (8"x8"x16") as a second step in those places where we did not have room for a ramp. I forgot that there were places where we added half steps for Ginger.

All our chickens like apple cider vinegar water. I like how easy it makes cleaning the glass and plastic waterers.
Well here is the most recent update on my bantam chicken. I witnessed her having a bad seizure this morning. Thoughts? I read this could be caused by a vitamin deficiency? I am about to get some feed fortified in vitamins and hopefully some antibiotics. I have a feeling there is a correlation between the leg problem and the seizures? Thoughts anyone?
any updates Bantam Chicken? I have a hen that seems to be acting similar as yours.

I have a hen, 10-11 months old, who started limping and holding up her left foot. I check for bumblefoot but all appears to be normal. Tonight she didnt even jump up to the roost. She is sleeping on the bedding inside the coop. Her egg today had a somewhat sandpaper like egg shell. Im not sure what to do. We were out of town this weekend and I noticed it when I got home Friday. Should I separate her?
I am sorry to hear about your hen. It is a possibility that your hen may have hurt her foot, perhaps a sprain or break of the ankle. Our hen wasn't putting out eggs yet so I am unsure why your hen's egg would be different. I don't want to discourage you, but our hen passed away. It was neurological for her. Her foot was paralyzed and she was having seizures. In the end the seizures got very bad and she was bleeding internally. A lady at the co-op told me it sounded like a genetic problem. I have yet to find any resources online regarding this issue. We never separated our chicken. The other chickens never picked on her and they have not shown any signs of neurological issues thus far. I wouldn't jump to conclusions that your hen is like mine. Most people say to separate the chicken. Best wishes to you and let me know how everything goes. You may want to start your own forum on here as well. People were very helpful. I am new at chickens so it would be good to get some advice from people who have had more experience with chickens perhaps.
Okoutdoor, you might want to start a new thread with a descriptive title for your hen so that people will see it as a new problem. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will respond. I tend to only separate chickens if I think the problem is contagious or if the chicken is being picked on by the others.

Make sure she has access to food and fresh water. I add unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar to the chicken's water (about a tablespoon per quart) when I am not adding other supplements. When you post, mention how and what she is eating and drinking. It might be important. I worry less when I see a chicken able and willing to eat and drink. All the chickens that I lost first lost their appetite and willingness to drink.
Hi Bantam Chicken - I have a 12 week old feather footed pullet with a similar issue. I'm curious to know what you did and how it turned out? Thanks!

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