Proud Papa of baby Chicks!

Here's the weekly update. They are growing faster than I expected them to so next week will be coop building week. I'm going to make it big enough for 4-6 chickens as that's all I really will be able to support. I'll post pictures when I get that far. Anyway, the chicks are really bringing in the feathers now all over the place. It is exciting to watch them grow, but I'll be honest. I want eggs! That's only about 4.5-5 months away! Oh well, I'm learning patience all over again. He he.....

Miss Mabel.....I love the light brown coloring she has on her neck.

Our skittish new girl in town. She just won't calm down but she's beautiful!


Barred Rocks looking more distinguished every day! They are all my favorite, really. I can't wait to see them all at their full potential! Can you tell a little more if they are Roo's or not from these pics?

I'm looking forward to hatching eggs or at least having some chicks again but on a grander scale. This is all of course when I get that 5 acres! Ha ha!!! I plan on raising 2 to 3 different varieties to sell in the local area that aren't that popular around here if everything pans out. I would also like to do pheasants as well some day. I'll have coops all over the property! Anyway......
I think you should name your new girl "Alice" - she reminds me of Alice Cooper with all that black eyeliner!

Also, your BRs look a lot like mine did as a baby - and she just started laying last week. It will take a few more weeks until anyone can really take an educated guess.

Good luck with the babies, I can't believe mine were little balls of fluff like that not too long ago *sniff*
Here's a snapshot of the coop I've been designing in Google Sketchup. Mostly just the framing and siding. The only reason I did it this way is so I could calculate the materials. I will be starting this next week!

I was going to suggest Lila (or Leila) for your newest addition. She looks sultry. I have a sultry bantam Cochin pullet named Lola; think darn Yankees and "Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets!" (Pretty funny how the BYC cuss filter edits the name of that movie!)

Soon you'll be searching out the best things for treats, learning exactly which they each like the best, and lovingly sanding down the sharp corners of 2x4s for their roost bars.

I was at the feed store today for essentials and there are still chicks available.
LUCKILY, there were no breeds I don't already have (yes, I looked), the chick bin area was packed with customers, and I have 6 one-week old chicks in my brooder in the bathroom with a heat lamp and six chicks in an interim brooder on the back porch "hardening up" to be put into their own grow-out/integration coop in a few weeks.

Oh, and six incubators full of eggs.

Wait until you hatch chicks. Your heart will almost burst from the awesome miracle.
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Uh Oh!

I bought some new chicks! And the wife almost had a heart attack! We now have 11 in all!

Of the new group, I now have one of each:

Buff Orpington
Black Sexlink
Golden-laced Wyandotte
Silver-laced Wyandotte
Danish Brown Leghorn

I have had them for about three weeks or so now but was slow to post.

Pics to follow sometime today I hope!

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