Purple Chicken has gone Mad !!!!!!

Tuffoldhen wrote:
I'm with Speck and Red Rooster...Standing tall and not caving into Silkie kingdom!!!

I'm gonna hang with you guys!

I think you meant to use this smiley
or maybe this one!

***I don't have an opinion about Silkies, I am still really new to chickens and don't know much about the different breeds. I've never even seen a Silkie in person. So for now, I take no sides!!!​
I know! They are so cute! I giggle everytime I see one! My b/f says they look scary. I showed him the pic you had in another thread with the work "kill" in the eye of your silkie. But I guess I may have to fall of the silkie haters bandwagon and hatch out some so I can see them in person.
Oh, now wait just a minute, I have it on very good authurity that PC is not planning on using Bator #4 for hatching.

Soo, what are planning, PC, Silkietunia's? What next...Rhode Island Ivy's?
Soo, what are planning, PC, Silkietunia's? What next...Rhode Island Ivy's?

What a great idea. But technically I rearranged my bator numbers so it is true
"I" am not using bator #4, my first Little Giant, but someone else is. The Octagon,
which just shipped today, is now bator #1. My 3rd LG is now bator #2 and Bator #3
is still #3. You getting this? There's a test at the end.
What a GREAT thread to come back to!! LOL

*My wife has the "Shake head, smile, and walk away" thing down to a science.
She's great with the chickens.

OK the real truth. The silkies are for her. She loves them. We started with 3, 2
turned out to be roos. I then tried to hatch 6 but the hatch went bad. 3 didn't
even pip. 1 died while we did an assisted hatch, 1 was accidentally killed (talk
about guilty tears), and we have one left, it's name is Kill. I'll probably build a
seperate coop for the silkies. "The Silkie Shack".

If anyone hasn't looked at FlufnStuffs silkies look at the pics on her site. They
really are cute little fluffballs. They will probably kill me in my sleep but if it
makes my wife happy then it's worth it. There...*

Awwww!! Purple that was so sweet!! But so sorry about all the yuck mixed in with it... And of COURSE we ALL KNEW that you would NEVER actually get SILKIES for yourself!! :rollseyes:
I am immune to the little devils I refuse to have bantams or Silkies or top hats I will do muffs and feathered feet but that is the firthest I will go from a "real" chicken.

oh PC knock it off already.
we know you're a big ol' silkie lover and that you are knee-deep into the the silkie lifestyle.
in fact, i have photos of you hangin' out at the local silkie bar on thurdsay nights (that'd be dollar scratch nights - besides big fluffy chickens, PC enjoys a bargain it appears).
your wife thinks yur out bowling with your standard layer buddies but WE know the truth.
it's okay, we love you just as you are.

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