Purple comb hanging head


5 Years
Mar 12, 2018
Merit, Texas
My guy has the starts of a purple comb and just sits holding his head down with eyes closed. Is there anything I can do for him?


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My guy has the starts of a purple comb and just sits holding his head down with eyes closed. Is there anything I can do for him?
My guy has the starts of a purple comb and just sits holding his head down with eyes closed. Is there anything I can do for him?

Scrolling through trying to diagnose another issue for one of my hens and saw this. My apologies if I make any newbie mistakes.

I can’t help but notice the lack of feathers around his neck. If he has on a collar (crow collar, rooster collar, etc), it needs to be loosened - or taken off entirely. It looks like he’s choking. The comb and head - and in this case, the neck feathers, seem to suggest a lack of oxygen.

Best of luck to you and your roo... Hope this helps.
Has his comb been tinged white on the tips for a few days before this? In my experience, once the purple sets in it’s more severe. Be sure he has as much water available as possible and certainly never without. Had to save one with (tiny and modified) chest compressions once and he didn’t look much different than your little fella does right now .... at the end of the day it looks like a lack of oxygen.
How’s his crow been lately? Has he even been crowing? If it stopped suddenly, when did it stop and why do you think did? When is the last time you saw him eat or drink?
These things often seem sudden but sometimes there are subtle clues to help you save them once the bigger clues “crop” up. The questions are rhetorical and for your reference only. Just things to consider to help your little feathered friend.
Keep searching and don’t give up.... Good luck to you guys.

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