purple eggs???

Those are so COOL! I love them! What color did the EE mom lay?

The EE mom lays a large light green egg as seen in photo below.


I hatch all of them and the offspring all look different from one another and each lays a different colored egg. I've been hatching the olive eggs and selling both chicks and eggs because I get more olive eggs than I do purple or gray. The olive eggs tend to produce babies that "LOOK" * like Copper Blue Marans (females) or pure Black Copper Marans (males) and it seems to be a sex-link trait. Most haven't gotten old enough to produce their own eggs yet so I don't know what color the next generation will lay. But I may have to start hatching the purple and gray eggs just to see what I'll get from them.

*Legal disclaimer - "LOOK" means they "look" like pure breeds - obviously they are not - so I call them my "Olive Eggers". (Just don't want to ruffle the feathers of those who like to correct anything that has to do with Marans.) These are mixed-breed mutts who happen to lay beautiful colored eggs.

Ruth, I have one of your olive egger cockerals. You sold eggs to The Warden and she gave him to me when he was a chick. (I was hoping he was a girl, but no such luck) I'm not able to upload photo's at the moment as I have a problem with my internet service, but he looks like a blue copper marans with a modified pea comb. I'm planning on keeping him for a while and see what his babies come out like. He's 13 weeks old now and has found his voice.

Here's an older picture of him at about 8 weeks. It's hard to see in the picture, but he has nice lacing and his coppering in the hackles came in after this picture was taken. And he has a fantastic beard.
wow that thing looks like a crow/ raven. cool

the closes my chickens have come is a pink (still retains the pinkness some after blume is washed off) from a buff brahma that was given to me as a bantm but not quite as samll. i think its almost normal sized.
this winter i am going to post a chicken wish list of breeds i want for xmas.
You can always blow the contents out and keep it forever!
Or, if you just let it sit for a few months in a well ventilated place, the yolk will dry up and become a little rattle. As long as the air can easily get to it, shouldn't smell while it's drying

Oooh, hey, that never occurred to me. Of course being clumsy and uncoordinated I'd probably squish the darn thing...so I think I'll let it sit in some corner forgotten for a few months

I broke a few my first time (making cascarones )
You can ven use a thumbtack- try it on a few normal eggs first until you're sure you have the hang of it.
lol did you read the thing under the video, I don't think there's anyway in hell I would pay that much for a rooster, but hey if somebody will pay it I'd sure be willing to sell a few for that.
Can you say "buy the farm"
I thought there was a thread here somewhere already with colorful eggs and the recipe for the "chance" of getting some purplish and pinkish eggs was to breed a blue egg layer to a deep brown egg layer then take that olive egger back to blue egg layer and work from there. When you get a hen that will lay purple, that's the end product as anything else will muddy the genetics.

I have some BCM eggs that are super dark and if I hatch any pullets they will go to an Araucana rooster from a a good blue egg. I have one black Araucana hen that lays the best bluest egg with a lot of shine and I want a rooster from her, faults or no faults for type other than a good pea comb, for my colored egg project pen. I hope to eventually have a flock of hens laying really good olive eggs that will have an Araucana rooster from a good blue egg layer then. It will take the right genetics to fall into place for the right color and I'm not sure that breeding past that will do anything more than just muddy the genetics so I think you either get a purplish egg layer or you don't. Pretty chancy but they do still lay pretty eggs that are edible.

I'm pretty sure there are other threads for this with good pictures. If I can find it I'll add it here.


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