Quail Aviary 2.0

Wow, you guys really cleaned up! Your roo is a stinker though lol. Good idea sectioning off areas though.

I'm hearing lots of crowing in my aviary. The littles are starting to grow up. I also found out why I couldn't find eggs...the ladies were laying under the artichoke plant and dirt got kicked over them so I didn't find them until a few started to stink :sick and it took me 2 days to find the nest. I think I pulled 30 eggs out of there.

Can't wait for pics of your chicks!
Wow, you guys really cleaned up! Your roo is a stinker though lol. Good idea sectioning off areas though.

I'm hearing lots of crowing in my aviary. The littles are starting to grow up. I also found out why I couldn't find eggs...the ladies were laying under the artichoke plant and dirt got kicked over them so I didn't find them until a few started to stink :sick and it took me 2 days to find the nest. I think I pulled 30 eggs out of there.

Can't wait for pics of your chicks!

Yeah, the yard is way more livable than it used to be—now it's just a matter of keeping the dog and his friends from tearing up all the new plantings... All quiet in the aviary so far, knock on wood.

30 eggs!? Holy cow, that could have had a very smelly end :sick. Glad you found them in time. Also, congrats on the chicks—another batch brought safely to maturity!

My hatching eggs are supposed to show up around the 22nd—I'll be able to start posting in the hatching thread in earnest :lol:.
Just an update on how the landscaping is coming along—the pavers are down and most of the dirt is filled in. Even though we're nearing the yard's "final" state, I can't help but think of all the spots I could put a chicken coop :oops:.

Just an update on how the landscaping is coming along—the pavers are down and most of the dirt is filled in. Even though we're nearing the yard's "final" state, I can't help but think of all the spots I could put a chicken coop :oops:.

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Oh my goodness! It's so pretty! You've done a wonderful job there.
I know! First time took months, this time it was barely two weeks. The original was good practice, I guess.

The quail are warming up to it already. I transplanted a couple clumps of violets and laid some branches over a log—instantly they were more comfortable. Here's a 10-second clip of the girls going after some scattered treats.

Do I see sand castles back there on the left?
Great quail set up.

How is the open roof working out for you?
Is there a reason why you did not cover the whole roof?

The one dripped painted egg...I have grabbed freshly laid eggs when they were just laid...the paint can rub off really easy and make that kind of pattern. I'm wondering it it possibly just got pushed around right after it was laid and it messed up the paint job.

Also...what do you feed your quail?
Woooo lookin good
Oh my goodness! It's so pretty! You've done a wonderful job there.

Thank you!

Great quail set up.

How is the open roof working out for you?
Is there a reason why you did not cover the whole roof?

The one dripped painted egg...I have grabbed freshly laid eggs when they were just laid...the paint can rub off really easy and make that kind of pattern. I'm wondering it it possibly just got pushed around right after it was laid and it messed up the paint job.

Also...what do you feed your quail?

Thanks, I think the birds are enjoying it!

Open roof is working great—I wanted them to have a room that gave more access to the elements without the danger of predators. If the rain or snow is ever hellacious, I plan on tarping up half of it to give them more cover.

Shade cloth goes on next month, once temps reach the 80s. As is, even the hardest rain hasn't muddied up the litter I've put down (and they get tons of earthworms, which I guess means it's worming time for the flock :sick).

Good to know about the egg—I just figured she laid it before the "paint" had quite set.

I feed my flock 24% pellets in the fall and winter and 26-30% crumble all other times (while they're laying). They don't seem to lay as well on the 26% as they do the 30%.
Thank you!

Thanks, I think the birds are enjoying it!

Open roof is working great—I wanted them to have a room that gave more access to the elements without the danger of predators. If the rain or snow is ever hellacious, I plan on tarping up half of it to give them more cover.

Shade cloth goes on next month, once temps reach the 80s. As is, even the hardest rain hasn't muddied up the litter I've put down (and they get tons of earthworms, which I guess means it's worming time for the flock :sick).

Good to know about the egg—I just figured she laid it before the "paint" had quite set.

I feed my flock 24% pellets in the fall and winter and 26-30% crumble all other times (while they're laying). They don't seem to lay as well on the 26% as they do the 30%.

I was just wondering if the open roof/rain was making it a smelly mess in there.

Layer pellets?

Do you offer oyster shell on the side?

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