Quail Aviary 2.0

Overall, delighted to have built the aviary. It currently houses 16 Coturnix hens very comfortably. The quail spend their days bathing in the holes they've dug, napping in the shade, and foraging for ants and other invertebrates. I need to put down more bark chips, which I've found break down best in this setup, but the substrate is so far more than capable of dealing with the amount of poop these birds throw at it.

The ornamental grasses are filling in nicely, enough that the girls have taken to laying and nesting under them exclusively.

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I think they feel quite safe there, as that's where most of them scurry to whenever I enter the aviary.

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A few of them are also given to brooding over their shared clutch. It's a pity I don't have any males in my flock currently—I'd love to let the girls raise some chicks of their own.

Lady, Maple, and Whitethroat take turns sitting whatever eggs happen to be in this particular nest. The eggs are always warm when I check them—I think I might need to let my girls "visit" a roo from a local flock in the spring :oops:...
Wow your aviary is very impressive, And ive never even heard of a broody quail! so cute

The cold doesnt bother them? i assume they wont go inside a coop like chickens. My quails dont anyway
Wow your aviary is very impressive, And ive never even heard of a broody quail! so cute

The cold doesnt bother them? i assume they wont go inside a coop like chickens. My quails dont anyway

They certainly don't like the cold, but it hasn't hurt them so far. Granted, this winter's been mild (I've already got greenhouse plans forming for next year ;)). I think Coturnix lack the instinct to use a coop, but that doesn't mean they won't use other kinds of shelter.

@perchie.girl I'd be happy to share what I've learned so far. If you've got any questions, feel free to ask them.
Finally got around to cleaning out the winter bedding. All in all, took about three hours and filled 6 un-compacted garbage cans full of poop and straw—a lot of it was broken down and will be going on our garden beds. Replaced the straw with fresh bark, moved around the girls' "furniture," tossed in some treats—makes for happy hens.

In my region, we're about a month out from molting and and two months out from eggs. I'd be lying is I said I wasn't excited.

Finally got around to cleaning out the winter bedding. All in all, took about three hours and filled 6 un-compacted garbage cans full of poop and straw—a lot of it was broken down and will be going on our garden beds. Replaced the straw with fresh bark, moved around the girls' "furniture," tossed in some treats—makes for happy hens.

In my region, we're about a month out from molting and and two months out from eggs. I'd be lying is I said I wasn't excited.

Thats cute!
My girls laid their first eggs of 2020! The one on the left is from one of my cinnamon-y hens, the one on the right is from Babs, my barred rosetta. Very satisfying to look back on how far we've come.

Happy Easter!


Social distancing has let me spend more time with my quail (just in time for one hen to decide she's terrified of me, lol). Getting about half the girls laying every day now—well on their way to normal productivity.
Wow, those colors are bright! Did you dye them yourself? And how? I did dye a few last year, but with varying success and certainly none as bright as yours..
And Happy Easter from me as well :)
Wow, those colors are bright! Did you dye them yourself? And how? I did dye a few last year, but with varying success and certainly none as bright as yours..
And Happy Easter from me as well :)

I put a splash of white vinegar into the dye bath (just multi-color food dye + tap water). Let them sit a few minutes—the red was in for longest. They'll get super dark this way if you don't check on them.
That sure sounds easy. I think I used lemon juice to replace vinegar last year - happened to have a lot on hand. Looks like vinegar is better :) Thanks!

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