ruger 21

In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 17, 2013
How will a standard chicken coop work for quail. It is 10Lx6Wx8H with a raised 4x6 box also how many would be ok in it.
It will work I keeps small numbers in wire dog kennels. 1 quail per square foot
The way i'm figuring it you have 84 sqft between the pen and coop so 50 should be no problem
Silly question, and I don't mean to take over the OP's thread, but one of you mentioned using an old chicken coop.

Do quail have enough sense to sleep in the coop at night??
Silly question, and I don't mean to take over the OP's thread, but one of you mentioned using an old chicken coop.

Do quail have enough sense to sleep in the coop at night??
Quail don't head in to roost like chickens at night. They prefer to sleep outside if they have a run. If you want them to use a coop for cold nights or bad weather, you need to familiarize them to the coop and sort of train them to use it.
Quail don't head in to roost like chickens at night. They prefer to sleep outside if they have a run. If you want them to use a coop for cold nights or bad weather, you need to familiarize them to the coop and sort of train them to use it.

I will tell you that I tried all last year to get my quail to use the lovely raised coop I had built for them. It didn't work. They wouldn't use the ramp no matter how I enticed them with mealworms or whatever. The very brave ones might go up there for a moment but they would never stay and certainly never slept up there. I ended up cleaning that old coop up and turning it into a house for my chickens. The quail now have an A-frame style coop with an enclosed side for inclement weather/laying and the other part is wire. It is a wire floor raised off the ground. They all seem to like it much more and are a lot happier and laying nice big fat eggs now.
Quail do not use ramps, as they tend to hop or fly up. So steps work better. But you can train them to use any shelter by locking them in the "coop" for a few days and not letting them out. Make sure it has plenty of light and ventilation. Of course water, feed and dust bathing facilities.

What this does is get them familiar with this area and shows them that it can be of comfort and safety. They will forever remember that it was "ok" to go in and even stay in. If you don't do this, they will always be afraid to enter and will never use it.

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