Quasi-Watercolor 9-Patch Quilt ~ Quilting Completed~ Binding Now

Thanks, Kathryn. Till I came up with the idea of diagonal lines of similarly colored blocks, I was going insane, LOL. I think it will look better when I get the front completed with the borders on it. I appreciate the input of quilters who, I'm quite sure, are much more accomplished than I am.
Deb, you never go into BSA, do you? LOL. Yes, I do sell my work. This is a commissioned work and I made one for jeremy recently, too. Most of the time, I make stuff then try to sell it. Just sold two lap quilts here on BYC.
All blocks completed now. Next, after sewing the rows together, will add a 2" border in a rose/lavender/pink tone, then a 5-6" green border. Kathryn, I am ordering a quilt back from that website tomorrow. Saw the exact same fabric in 108" width at a local quilt shop for $15/yd, but thousandsofbolts has it for $8.95/yd! I think I'll order 3 yards of that. That place is dangerous, I swear, LOL! So many things I can't get elsewhere and things that are so much less than in the places around here.

Now, how do I quilt this? Diagonal lines? Crosshatch? Swirly things? Echoing V lines?


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OMG..i can not believe how pretty those quilts are! I've never seen a water color quilt before...
Wow... just stunning!
It is beautiful Cynthia!!!
Yes, I know about those fabrics on the web site. It can be really addictive!
Sometimes when you are checking out and getting ready to identify which way you want the package mailed, they will let you know that there is room for a few more pieces of something to fit in the package without increasing the postage. That's when I go back and see if there is something I will need soon for another project and order a few pieces for it.
I won't show you pictures of my stash.....but I think I'll have a reward in heaven for the most fabric diversity......
Thanks, Wendy and Kathryn. They're pretty but what a PITA! This is my last watercolor, quasi or otherwise! This was harder because of the time of year I did it. In spring, they come out with fabulous new florals, but now, they have Christmas stuff, Halloween stuff and the rest of the inventory is down, too, it seems to me. And you have to have so many different ones, not much of any one of them, and my own stash wasn't that great for this type quilt. The stuff goldenluver sent sure helped on the last half of the quilt, though, since they were mostly leftovers from her watercolor projects.

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