Question about Determining Pigeon Gender


7 Years
Jul 24, 2013
I'm new to pigeons this year, and currently have two happy Baldhead Show Roller squabs being raised by their parents.

Question: When can you usually determine gender in your young pigeons? What signs do you look for?
It depends, if you happen to have a color pairing that results in gender linked color in the chicks you can tell as soon as color is apparent. ***

If you have been breeding a particular line or family of birds for some time you will learn to sex most of them at a younger age.

Otherwise it is hard to be sure unless an egg is laid.
The bowing and cooing and tail dragging displays of cockbirds are a strong indicator of course.
You can try to assess the distance between the pelvic bones- wider in hens narrow in cocks but this may not be as clear until egg laying has started.
If you consult google/youtube you can find many 'sure fire' theories. I remain skeptical although some are interesting.
I just had to wait until they started breeding to figure it out.:confused:

*** i just posted about a color sex-linked youngster here
It depends, if you happen to have a color pairing that results in gender linked color in the chicks you can tell as soon as color is apparent. ***

If you have been breeding a particular line or family of birds for some time you will learn to sex most of them at a younger age.

Otherwise it is hard to be sure unless an egg is laid.
The bowing and cooing and tail dragging displays of cockbirds are a strong indicator of course.
You can try to assess the distance between the pelvic bones- wider in hens narrow in cocks but this may not be as clear until egg laying has started.
If you consult google/youtube you can find many 'sure fire' theories. I remain skeptical although some are interesting.
I just had to wait until they started breeding to figure it out.:confused:

*** i just posted about a color sex-linked youngster here

Unfortunately, I don't believe my chicks will be gender-linked, and I definitely don't have enough experience with this line. :) I guess I'll wait and see! Around what age do the males generally begin to strut and coo?
I have a pigeon that I found in October, he was around 2-3 months old when I found him, and he has just recently (in the last few weeks) started cooing and doing a little dance in a circle when I walk in the room with him (he's in the house). Now, he's an only bird, so he may be a bit delayed due to not seeing other birds acting naturally, but he seems to maybe be flirting with me???
One of my pair produces gender-linked birds. Males are usually red with a gray tail. And females have a wild type tail, and there body has many colours such as red, brown and gray.

Lately from that pair the offspring are getting whiter and whiter. The latest bird I have from them is a male but his body is almost fully white.

Here’s a pic of two of there first squabs:
I have a pigeon that I found in October, he was around 2-3 months old when I found him, and he has just recently (in the last few weeks) started cooing and doing a little dance in a circle when I walk in the room with him (he's in the house). Now, he's an only bird, so he may be a bit delayed due to not seeing other birds acting naturally, but he seems to maybe be flirting with me???

Having no mate, he's absolutely flirting with you lol. Puffing up his neck, dragging his tail and strutting? All the while making that noise "doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo, wok wok wok wok"? If so, it's time! Find him a mate! Because chances are, when his current love (you) leaves, he is lonely and heartbroken.
Question: When can you usually determine gender in your young pigeons? What signs do you look for?
There are as many different breeding pens as there are pigeon fanciers
Check it out:

Mistakes can be made no matter which method you choose to sex your pigeons.
I find the best way to sex a bird it to ask another pigeon.

Also no matter what any fanciers says if it lays an egg it definitely is female.

Check out the link the pigeon bowing and circling is the bird walking is ♀:

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Everyone is correct when it comes to mainly just observing how they act.
And by sometimes checking the vent.
One thing ive always been able to find very accurate is when the squabs are a few days old, i look at there bottoms.

Ill post a link so you get what im saying. It explains it on there.

That is interesting! I have 2 it may not be too late to test.** Has this proved true in your experience?:D

**eta I think they are both hens by the color. (from a redcheck hen/bluebar cock)
Its always worked for me. The only times it 'hasnt worked' is when i cant tell if its a smile or a frown becuase they pucker up back there sometimes.:lau
A vet i take my chickens to is the one that brought it up to my attention. He knows i raise pigeons.
He mentioned something about how the bottom will be different for the main purpose of them having to mate when they get older. The male will have the smile while the female has the frown, that way whenever they mate he said it will be like a perfect seal for the male to be able to mate with the female.
He said he learned that when he was going to school to be a vet.

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