Questions about Little Giant 9200 Still air incubator?

Sorry, I couldn't pull up pics because I have dial up. HOnestly, I read the LG instrucitons manual, memorized them. FOund many posts on incubating that contraditcted manual info. Called the maker and was given information contrary to the manual. I lost the manual and tossed the thermometer. I read BYC for information.

Keep the % RH about40-45% until lockdown then increase to about 70%. Amount of water added depends on your ambient humidity; AC or desert conditions, balmy and humid, or in between.

Add water sinks if you can. Helps stabilize the temps, especially after opening the incubator.

Keep the temp constant; that means keep the room constant. Get good thermometers and calibrate them.Humidity is a ball park, so I don't calibrate that instument. I also have the eggs tell me if the humidity is good: the Air cells must increase in size at a steady rate, find pics in the resource below.

There is so much more info that is helpful and you need to know. I've been compiling this source to me to read as needed.

Good luck!
What kind of thermometer did you all find worked the best? I'm going to order one of these incubators, so I'd like to now ahead of time which one works best. Thanks to all of you who answer ahead of time.
That's exactly where I ended up looking, rLh1 As it ends up, I can find everything I want there for less than I can buy it locally, even with shipping included. I'm still going to look out on Craigslist and eBay though.
Thanks for your post :)
I'm using the IncuTherm Plus hatch monitor in my LG. it's been right on from the start! This is my first hatch, so we will see.

That's the one that comes in the kit from Incubator Warehouse. Good to know. Thanks!

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