Questions about quails


Jul 13, 2020
Hello, recently I was thinking about having some quails for eggs. Here are some questions:
1) Can I keep them in rabbit hutches? If yes, how many can be kept in one hutch? If not, then how do i make a quail hutch (and what to use as bedding)?
2) What food to give them? Will they eat whole wheat grain, crushed corn (or pre-made chicken scratch?), and some kitchen scraps? Or i'd have to buy them special food?
3)What about winters? Do I put plexiglass (or something like that) at the bottom half of the steel net so wind won't blow at them, or i'd have to move them inside? (In my climate people do this plexi thing to keep rabbits outside in winters).
4)Do they need nesting boxes?
5)How often would i change the bedding and would i have to desinfect the cages?
6)Can you give them their shells, just like you give egg shells to chickens?
7)Can they hutches be kept in the chicken run near rabbit hutches?
I'd be grateful for any other tips :)
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I would advise you watch some of the slightly rednecked video's on youtube. He answers a lot of our questions.

I'm fairly new but can say no you can not feed quail chicken feed. They need a higher protein level. Something in the 20+ at least range. I use wild gamebird/turkey starter for mine. You should be able to get that at most of your Tractor Supply/Agway type stores.

As to how many you should plan on 1 sq foot per bird and if you're keeping males 1 to at least 3 to 4 hens.

I have mine on raised pens with 1/2 hardware wire for bottoms. At least half my bottom is either sand/wood chip pans or plywood so that they have a place to get off the wire. I keep the food and water over the wire so the mess or spill will go through.

If you want eggs through the winter you're going to have to provide some sort of light as they'll need light for around 14 hours a day. I put white Christmas lights on the inside of my pens that I bought at Walmart for $5 for a 20 foot strip. I live in the North East and haven't seen a drop of in my egg production using these. Mine do not have nesting boxes as they tend to lay in the sand/wood chip boxes. I do plan to put cardboard boxes with doors cut out in the pens this week as the temps are starting to drop and this will give them a place to huddle up in. I did add straw to my bottoms over the last couple weeks just to help at night which seems keep them quite happy. I would advice if using straw to keep it way from your water.

Anything that I've read says you should keep quail away from chicken. Chicken carry diseases that don't harm them but are fatal to quail. You will find people that do this with no problems but if you don't have to don't do it.

As far as feeding their shells. I've heard you can I just haven't had the need to do so. I've read where some say if you do make sure they don't figure out where they come from as they may start doing it on their own.

Best thing I've found is go to youtube and watch slightly redneck, Coturnix Corner, and there are ton's of homesteader quail video's that are very good.

Have fun with it.
Coturnic corner onnyoutube is also very good.
they definitely cannot eat chicken feed. You can find gamebitd feed with at least 24% protein.
yes they can be fed their shells for calcium but only on the side.
you dont want to mix anything with their feed. Give it on the side so they can choose when and how much they need.
they need at least 1 sq ft of space per bird minus feeders, waterers, etc.
@Nabiki @Kiki @muddy75 @007Sean
Can give you tons of good advice
This is the sheet I give new quail owners when they buy from me.
Coturnix basic care sheet

For new chicks less than 2 weeks old:


Chicks will need to be kept in a brooder until about 3 weeks of age. There should be a warm side and a cool side. Keep the temperature between 85-95 degrees in the warm side. The younger the chicks, the higher the temperature they need. If they huddle together, they are cold and the temperature needs to be raised. If they are laying stretched out or panting, they are hot and the temperature needs to be lowered.


Chicks need a feed with around 28% protein. The amount of protein can be lowered once they are over 8 weeks old. The feed needs to be fine enough for them to eat. They should always have fresh water.

For adult birds:


Coturnix quail are quite hardy and can handle freezing temperatures as long as they are dry and have shelter (boxes or some type of small container works). The minimum amount of space is one square foot per bird, but more is better. Remember to subtract the space taken up by food and water from their living space. They are ground birds and are happiest on the ground. If you give them a wire bottom hutch, make sure they have boxes of dirt for baths and to rest their feet.


Quail thrive on high protein food of around 28%, but can go as low as 20% once they are fully grown. Adult hens will need calcium either offered on the side or part of their feed. If it is offered on the side, it must be ground small enough for them to eat easily. If it is part of their feed, it should be about 3.5% calcium.

Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Hello, recently I was thinking about having some quails for eggs. Here are some questions:
1) Can I keep them in rabbit hutches? If yes, how many can be kept in one hutch? If not, then how do i make a quail hutch (and what to use as bedding)?
2) What food to give them? Will they eat whole wheat grain, crushed corn (or pre-made chicken scratch?), and some kitchen scraps? Or i'd have to buy them special food?
3)What about winters? Do I put plexiglass (or something like that) at the bottom half of the steel net so wind won't blow at them, or i'd have to move them inside? (In my climate people do this plexi thing to keep rabbits outside in winters).
4)Do they need nesting boxes?
5)How often would i change the bedding and would i have to desinfect the cages?
6)Can you give them their shells, just like you give egg shells to chickens?
7)Can they hutches be kept in the chicken run near rabbit hutches?
I'd be grateful for any other tips :)
1. Yes. What size your hutch is depends on how many you can jeep in it.
2. Game bird/turkey feed to start...for the first 6 -8 weeks then you can switch them to a chicken layer crumble feed. No whole grains. CRUMBLE FEED ONLY.
3. What's your winter Temps like?
4. No.
5. Depends on what you use.
6. Yes
7. Yes
1. Yes. What size your hutch is depends on how many you can jeep in it.
2. Game bird/turkey feed to start...for the first 6 -8 weeks then you can switch them to a chicken layer crumble feed. No whole grains. CRUMBLE FEED ONLY.
3. What's your winter Temps like?
4. No.
5. Depends on what you use.
6. Yes
7. Yes
On day the temperature in winter is often higher than zero. 1-5 Celcius degree i suppose but i can be wrong. Why can't they eat whole grains like wheat? What about crushed wheat? + is there any feed for them i could make myself?
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On day the temperature in winter is often higher than zero. 1-5 Celcius degree i suppose but i can be wrong. Why can't they eat whole grains like wheat? What about crushed wheat? + is there any feed for them i could make myself?
The same reason you shouldn't eat candy or chips everyday.

They need a complete balanced diet.
Treats shouldn't be more than 10% of their diet. That's all treats combined.
Okay, sorry for bothering but polish quail keepers feed quails wheat and pellets(special quail feed, idk how is it named, srry if i'm wrong) and things like veggies, fruits + some protein food like white cheese. And i don't really know whose advices i should be following if i decide to buy quails :/ + the fact that bought feed also has carbohydrates

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