Quiet breeds for urban coop


5 Years
Jan 9, 2019
South Georgia, USA
Hi there! As you may have guessed from the title I'm wondering about quiet breeds. I've been doing a lot of research on here and elsewhere and have sort of an idea of what to order(I'm ordering from Meyer), but I'm still unsure.

I live in a small town, it's not rural but it's sort of a supply hub for the surrounding farms/rural homes. As such the only real restriction on chickens(or just livestock in general) is a noise one. I'm of course not even going to bother with roosters. Even with pretty lenient policies I'm worried about noise, I have neighbors very close and want to be polite. I know each chicken is different, but I'm looking for mainly egg laying breed suggestions.

For a starting point I was considering mix of Easter Eggers, Austra Whites, and Golden Buffs or Buff Orpingtons....also I really don't like the look of Silkies(I know, I seem to be an oddity on here) so those were out.

My coop plans are 4X6 with a 4X12 run and the ability to let them out when I'm outside.

Any help would be appreciated. Having chickens is something I've wanted since I was little and I just want to get it right.
Hi, welcome to BYC! :frow

I personally wouldn't try to keep EE confined as they are my widest roaming breed who insist on hiding their nest. Also no consistency in laying. I do like the colored eggs and variety of personalities and patterns!

Buff or any color Orp.. is too large bodied for the amount eggs they produce to be a "productive" breed to me. Also too likely to go broody, and not as friendly in person as on paper.

Golden buffs... are a sex link, notorious for reproductive issues.

Birds I think are great.. white Leghorn, Speckled Sussex, Rocks in any variety. :love

Check out these links if you haven't already..


Happy chickeneering! :wee
In my experience there are no quiet breeds. Most hens make a ton of noise when egg laying and when they see something suspicious and when they are bored and when they have squabbles with each other etc etc. The thing that surprised me most when I first started keeping chickens was just how incredibly noisy hens can be!

Of course this depends on the individual bird and the noise level of smaller birds will be less than that of larger birds. Birds that are more active and tolerate confinement less will tend to make more noise if cooped up.

So I suppose my recommendations would be to go for docile breeds and consider bantams, although of course the eggs will be smaller.
Hi there! As you may have guessed from the title I'm wondering about quiet breeds. I've been doing a lot of research on here and elsewhere and have sort of an idea of what to order(I'm ordering from Meyer), but I'm still unsure.

I live in a small town, it's not rural but it's sort of a supply hub for the surrounding farms/rural homes. As such the only real restriction on chickens(or just livestock in general) is a noise one. I'm of course not even going to bother with roosters. Even with pretty lenient policies I'm worried about noise, I have neighbors very close and want to be polite. I know each chicken is different, but I'm looking for mainly egg laying breed suggestions.

For a starting point I was considering mix of Easter Eggers, Austra Whites, and Golden Buffs or Buff Orpingtons....also I really don't like the look of Silkies(I know, I seem to be an oddity on here) so those were out.

My coop plans are 4X6 with a 4X12 run and the ability to let them out when I'm outside.

Any help would be appreciated. Having chickens is something I've wanted since I was little and I just want to get it right.
I'm an Orpington fan, having 4 hens & a rooster. As chick, the rooster was always on the "pecky" side, but now, about 10 months & a few cuffs upside the head, he's a gentleman. He's still a rooster, though, & bears watching, although I'm often in close enough proximity to him that he's had ample opportunities to be agressive, but hasn't.
As far as noise, he'll start about 4:30ish, according to the time of year, but after about 15 minutes of announcing to the world that he's here & on duty, I seldom hear much from him.
The hens have all been friendly from the begining; one even running up to me to be picked up. I can't tell, 'cause at this age they all look pretty much alike, but I believe they're all calm enough to stand still to have their feathers stroked, if even for a minute.
Typical of any hens I've ever had, the only time I hear anything from them is when they've just laid an egg & think the world should be notified.
They haven't proven to be consistant egg layers. I think the most eggs I've ever gotten from them in a day has been 2-3. That's alright by me, though, 'cause the reason I got them to begin with was due to their reputed broodiness as a breed. I'd much rather a hen set, hatch, & raise chicks; they've been doing it a lot longer than I have.
The egg song is easily the loudest thing a chicken can do. All hens (at least all of mine have) will make noise after laying an egg, which then usually causes the whole flock to erupt in squawks. Maybe avoid Bantam breeds? Most have quite a high pitched sound.

Pick a breed(s) that interests you. Think about your criteria then take a look at the breeds Meyer's has to Offer.

The girls will make noise no matter what! Maybe you can bribe your neighbour's with some fresh eggs? :gig
Buff Orpingtons, Brahmas, Speckled Sussex, Wyandottes, Australorps, Cochins, Barred Rock, Ameraucanas, and Rhode Island Reds are all quiet breeds.

I breed brahmas and I have a few Buff Orpingtons, they’re very quiet, very friendly and docile. Both breeds are Gentle giants. :)

Here’s a few pics of mine

Speckled sussex quiet? My Ethel never hushes! It isn't loud "thank goodness" but she is a definite chatterbox.
Really friendly breed though if you handle them on a daily basis as chicks,like hop on your shoulder always want to know what you're doing friendly.:)
Buff Orpingtons, Brahmas, Speckled Sussex, Wyandottes, Australorps, Cochins, Barred Rock, Ameraucanas, and Rhode Island Reds are all quiet breeds.

I breed brahmas and I have a few Buff Orpingtons, they’re very quiet, very friendly and docile. Both breeds are Gentle giants. :)

Here’s a few pics of mine
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